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Thursday, July 06, 2017

NYC to pay $16M for Illegals' Lawyer Fees

NEW YORK CITY — As left-wing Mayor Bill de Blasio designates millions of dollars of taxpayer money to pay the lawyer fees of illegal immigrants, New York’s failing subway system is falling into greater disrepair — with a state of emergency being declared by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and one straphanger spotting that her subway train was being held together with a zip tie.

De Blasio earmarked $16 million in his budget proposal in April to pay the legal fees of people in the Big Apple illegally — part of a broader push from de Blasio to remove any serious distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.



  1. New York citizens should rethink de Blasio. He's been a disaster for a mayor. Just a moron who had money behind him. They should vote him out. He's a disgrace. Doesn't care about his legal citizens at all! 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Since when did it become the City's responsibility to pay for illegal aliens legal fees? Isn't that what the public defender is for?

  3. 7:58 AM, just like Salisbury citizens need to rethink Jake Day. He's also a disaster and a disgrace for a mayor.


  4. Isn't it amazing to hear people on the left trying to have Mr Trump declared a mental case.. the very same people who do things like this?

  5. Seems to me they would be taking some of that $16 million to help the increased homeless on their streets that are citizens of the United States. This mayor is a disgusting human being that can not take care of his own people before taking care of ILLEGALS!!!!!!! People of New York really need to open their eyes and vote for a Real person for office who puts their own first.

  6. What is Maryland Tax Payer bill for illegals? That is something that should be looked into? Is there no one in Maryland interested in what we have to payout for illegals? I am tired of hearing about other States when Maryland is a sanctuary State screwing over the MD tax payer and nobody puts out this information.

    1. Yeah one can tell shopping in Walmart. Yet they keep increasing land taxes. Probably been snowballing for years and is where the 6% came from. Matter of fact if they cut the illegal baby coddling the tax rates could drop.

  7. Great use of tax dollars

  8. This country hit its peak a long time ago. Now 20 billion in the hole and paying for so many wrong things.


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