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Saturday, July 01, 2017

Now You Can Choose ‘X’ as Gender on Drivers’ Licenses – We’re Doomed

Just when you think the world can’t get any more wonky, something has to come along and prove you wrong.

You can now choose to identify yourself as Male, Female, or “X” on your driver’s licenses. What does an “X” look like, exactly?

Life was so much easier before Tumblr’s need to validate any and every ridiculous notion.

Washington D.C. (you know, the freaking capital of America) has become the first jurisdiction in the United States to issue “gender neutral” driver’s licenses. Now if you don’t feel like a boy or a girl (sorry science, you’re going to have to take a back seat to feelings) you can be an “X.”

The Free Beacon reported on this cringe-worthy “progress.”



  1. This is ludicrous! Maybe the solution is for normal people...meaning male and females to choose X. And on the college applications choose X and any minority race. Then maybe hard-working American will be judged on a level playing field. (fire with fire.)

  2. If you think this is why the world is doomed then you are living with blinders on. There is a lot more to be concerned with bringing doom to the the world then this nonsense, You are concerned about the wrong things, focus on real problems.


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