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Monday, July 24, 2017

Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. Adults Has Mental Illness or Drug Problem

(HealthDay News) -- Nearly 1 in 5 American adults deals with a mental illness or substance abuse problem each year, a U.S. government study says.

Oregon has the highest rate, and New Jersey the lowest, according to 2012-2014 data analyzed by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Overall, almost 44 million Americans 18 or older had a diagnosable mental, behavioral or emotional disorder in the past year, researchers said. They reviewed national surveys on drug use and health.

"The figures in SAMHSA's report remind us how important it is to take mental health as seriously as any other health condition," Kana Enomoto, SAMHSA acting deputy assistant secretary, said in an agency news release.



  1. 95%of them are democrats

    1. 6:02 Thinking the same thing 😂🤣

  2. And nowhere near enough nuthouses to handle them all.

  3. Is this why we need legal MEDICAL weed?

  4. I think it is elevated to 2or3 out of 5 in these parts

  5. Hey 8:06 its 4 out of 5 for the "comes heres"

  6. 8:27 PM yea you keep thinking that, and we just keep laughing at you.

  7. Hello yes. Did you know (NWO) want your mind Controlled? Yes. I see. 1994 modems 56k dial up. Brains lose control (aol machines) now we live Terminator. Did you see? Now Meds they make you me take ! To control! In lives before, man woman child Happy now Sad listen to music (perverts) listen watch movies (liberals) say no no no!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:27 PM yea you keep thinking that, and we just keep laughing at you.

    July 24, 2017 at 8:54 PM

    uncontrollable laughter is a sign of mental illness, so thanks for proving his point. but at least you're happy

  9. 9:13 what are you talking about?

  10. 9:13 - that bag of weed you bought the other day....you may want to get a refund!


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