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Thursday, July 20, 2017

National Enquirer: Hillary Clinton framed Trump on Russia

Hillary Clinton and a firm with ties to the Democratic party setup President Donald Trump and his family in an attempt to destroy the billionaire businessman and politician according to the National Enquirer.

The tabloid magazine, which has made no secret of its pro-Trump agenda, came to this conclusion after what they describe as an 'exhaustive investigation' into the matter.

These attempts by 'evil' Hillary to bring down her rival included luring Donald Jr. into meeting with shadowy Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskyaya claims the tabloid.

And the firm in the middle of all this is Fusion GPS according to the tabloid, the same group that allegedly compiled Christopher Steele's scandalous dossier of claims about President Trump that was published in January.

Fusion GPS previously denied these claims, stating: 'Fusion GPS learned about this meeting from news reports and had no prior knowledge of it. Any claim that Fusion GPS arranged or facilitated this meeting in any way is absolutely false.'



  1. She can't launch a defamation of character suit against the Enquirer because she doesn't have any.


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