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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Muslim man vandalizes over sixty graves, most of them children’s

A Muslim man was given a hefty fine Wednesday for vandalizing a graveyard in Sydney, Australia, but managed to avoid jail.

Nassem Raad was found guilty of damaging more than 68 graves in West Sydney’s Rookwood Cemetery in 2015, and received a 9-month suspended sentence and must pay more than $63,000 in damages.

The nature of the crime is leaving people outraged. Raad got off without jail time, and though most of the graves he damaged belonged to children, he has shown no remorse for his actions.

According to Yahoo many of the graves, which had cross gravestones that were overturned, were located in the Greek and Ukrainian sections of the cemetery. Items that had been placed at the foot of the graves to honor some of the children’s memories, such as toy cars and stuffed animals, were also damaged. Some of the graves were for kids young enough to be infants.



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