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Monday, July 31, 2017

Mayor's Office Full Of Crap

Last week the Mayor's Office got into a pissing match with a social media site calling them out for a lie in reporting an incident. So the Mayor's Office fought back making the announcement that IF you want to get real and honest information, go to their site and get "up-to-the-minute, verified information".

Here's the funny part Folks. Their site hasn't updated ANY information since the 28th. Yet there's been two murders, a home invasion and Lord knows what else is out there they haven't published. I take that back, yesterday at 4 PM the SPD did provide a link to the MSP on a murder investigation. 

Our point here is, there is NO up to the minute information being published, ever. This is a very misleading statement from the Mayor's Office.

While I'm on this topic, whenever a child goes missing in the City or County, they NEVER put that information out for the public to be on the lookout. 


  1. Jake the snake! Jake the snake!

  2. Misleading is a nice way of putting it. It's lying. Day and all he surroundings himself with are all liars. Lying is the only thing any of them excel at.

  3. Remember these lies folks when it come time to vote again. We need officials who are going to be open and honest.

  4. Generate a petition to remove Jake Day from office, he either is a compulsive lier He lives in snowflake ville or some other fantasy world.

  5. I am not sure if I missed it or it wasn't published but I was told the tattoo guy that was killed Saturday was shot in the back.

  6. you shorebillys with this snowflake crap. Come up with an original thought. Yea, he's a goon but you all sound like morons too.

  7. He's more corrupt than Hillary

  8. Joe......you KNOW they are hatin' life when they start insinuating you aren't accurate or up to date.
    Keep smacking their slimy ace and telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    We'll all cheer that.
    Most of us, anyway.

  9. "Last week the Mayor's Office got into a pissing match with a social media site.."

    It wasn't "the Mayor's Office" it was Fake Jake Day! Jake gets in a pissing match with everyone. He is one of the most hated people in Wicomico County.

  10. I am really getting sick and tired of hearing about Snowflake Fake Jake and his Bullsh*t P*ssing contests with the public. WTF does he think he is!!

  11. Anonymous said...
    Generate a petition to remove Jake Day from office, he either is a compulsive lier He lives in snowflake ville or some other fantasy world.

    July 31, 2017 at 1:23 PM

    It's called a Recall Petition and none has ever been successful in Salisbury. One was attempted for Barrie Tilghman and the places the petitioners were set up at were harassed by the city. For instance they were set up to get signatures at Walmart on South Salisbury Blvd and Barrie Tilghman sent her Bulldogs to harass and bully the store owners and managers.

  12. Anonymous said...
    I am not sure if I missed it or it wasn't published but I was told the tattoo guy that was killed Saturday was shot in the back.

    July 31, 2017 at 1:24 PM

    I read that as well. He must have been running from the killers.

  13. Anonymous said...
    He's more corrupt than Hillary

    July 31, 2017 at 3:19 PM

    Yes he is.

  14. Part I Mill Street Roundabout

    Joe, here is something from the "Nextdoor" app about neighborhoods. FakeJake is attacking people on there. This is about the stupid roundabout he wants.

    bob dawsonb, Hunting Park·21 Jul
    I like roundabouts but the 2 traffic lights between the proposed circle and route 50 will keep traffic backed up.

    Bob Heim, Loblolly·21 Jul
    I agree with Bob

    Jake Day, Camden·21 Jul
    Thanks to the Bobs for their input - but that was actually the crux of the traffic study that said this was the best way to clean up the traffic at the 5-way intersection. SHA was brought in by the engineers immediately to determine if they would work with the City, choose a preferred solution and coordinate the lights with whatever was the preferred option. There was no guarantee that they would do any of those things. SHA did recommend a preferred solution (the one that is being built), they have agreed to coordinate all actions with the City (an excellent new spirit of cooperation), and to time the lights they control (Mill/Main and Mill/50) to create the best possible free flow during rush hours.
    Then John Hall(Democrat County Councilman) sucks up to his buddy "The best Mayor Salisbury has ever had. That boy is going places."
    John Hall, Camden·21 Jul
    This is the best option to date. I'm sure the City Council looked at other options and are probably still open for other good ideas.

    The one in Fruitland was not a popular and it has done amazingly well.

    I've seen roundabouts all over the world and generally the work.

  15. Part II Mill Street Roundabout
    Kris Oberdorf, Camden·23 Jul
    unless the two traffic lights on Mill are better synchronized, they will cause the entire roundabout to jam up. People will inevitably get in the wrong lane and jam it up.
    The only real benefit of the roundabout is for vehicles turning right onto Carroll from Riverside. If Camden is permanently closed off a simple dedicated right turn merge lane from Riverside to Carroll would be more effective and much less costly. Just like the right turn cut through from Mill merging into Riverside.
    Another cheap and effective fix would be to just demolish the Mill bridge and eliminate that particularly annoying way to get to 50. Or turn it into a pedestrian bridge and fishing spot.
    From what I've seen of modern roundabouts they are very effective at melding traffic where all arteries have about equal traffic. Our situation is an intersection with the majority of traffic on Carroll and Mill. Riverside is much less. Maybe a redesign making those two roads the main artery with some attention on how to accommodate the Riverside traffic would be best. Like the aforementioned merge lanes and maybe eliminate left turns from Carroll to Riverside.
    The number of cars going up Camden is minimal so why not just close it off completely? Just take Riverside to Wicomico to get to Camden. It would be faster than waiting for a light.
    Anyway, when are they doing the actual traffic volume study that is a vital prerequisite to deciding what alternatives will be the most useful at alleviating the congestion?

    Jake Day, Camden·23 Jul
    Great questions Kris Oberdorf! Yes, this entire conversation is based on the final results of a years-long, very thorough traffic study and planning process which considered every possibility. Approximately 30 of the nation's premier traffic engineering and urban planning firms competed for the study job and the successful firm was hired and did a fantastic job. Perhaps the best part of their work was that they developed a direct partnership with SHA's planning division, the Administrator of SHA and the Secretary of Transportation who all committed to a long term partnership to coordinate the lights they own (Mill/Main and Mill/50) and to evaluating the results of the study and providing their own opinion, which they did. The results of their analysis was that they strongly concur and recommend the selected Wallace Montgomery design. The lights will be coordinated along with the circle and adjustments will he made as necessary.

    Kris Oberdorf, Camden·23 Jul
    I haven't seen the detailed plan but I remain highly skeptical of the efficacy of this proposal to improve traffic flow in this area.

  16. Are you kidding me?? Jake day said "Follow the SFD?? Those clowns at the Salisbury Fire Department? Are you serious? Jake Day really thinks he has a great fire department and great personnel?? He obviously doesn't get it that people can't stand Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Bryan Records, Jimmie Gladwell, Chris O'Barsky, Jay Jester, Rob Frostrom, Chris Truitt, Aaron Colegrove, David Cox, etc.

    People are sick and tired of their corruption and their lies and stealing.

    Jake Day has to go!


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