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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Mayor Day Spin-Jobs Citizens Not to Trust Crime Reporting Sites?

By Thornton Crowe

In an astounding fashion, our illustrious mayor Jake Day was caught telling voters on Facebook that they shouldn't trust places like Zillow.com for crime reports because the crime in Salisbury is at its lowest?

In last week's article, I reported the rapes alone for the first six months of 2017 are more than the entire 2016 calendar year, but Day claims crime is down? It would seem our mayor is, once again, pitching snake oil laced fairy and unicorn dust. He actually wants you to also ignore the Salisbury Police blotter which reports area crime.

A mute couldn't miss the escalation of incidents throughout the City, along the Mayor's push for Section 8, low income housing in the downtown area, so why is he now suddenly in some denial over crime numbers? Does he see the crime spree to be a bad reflection on him and his lack of governance oversight? Of course, it does as with all the other things going wrong before our very eyes.

Jobs leaving the area and businesses shuttering -- and we're not talking chains like Wendy's and Radio Shack, but businesses like the computer store that closed, citing high taxes and too many regulations to stay afloat. And who could possibly forget the never-ending Main Street escapade where contaminated soil (where a gas station once stood) caused road work to move at a slower than glacier speed! What about the chain-linked fence fiasco that's caused such a stir? Day is starting little piddles everywhere like a puppy who needs to be house-broken!

Therefore, when the following email was forwarded to me, all I could do was let out a hearty laugh at his audacity to suggest that all those 'other websites' were somehow lying fabrications about Salisbury's crime statistics when they gather their information from the same police action reports you see here on Salisbury News. The absolute ego-maniacal stance is stunning when you really think about what he's telling us here in this big long-winded ode. He actually thinks he's a better expert than folks who deal with this type of data, day-in and day-out. This is much more than a mere mental issue, it's downright pathological.

It's kind of like the whole housing values have gone up $133K since he became mayor thing he wrote in the Rotary newsletter...

Here is the whole email forwarded to me from editor Joe about this rather rambling soliloquy (lasting a whopping 3 pages) that demonstrates the complete fairy tale world our mayor resides. It reminds me of the Elmer Fudd cartoon where he puts his finger in one hole to stop the water from leaking only to have twenty others start spewing water!

"And crime is not up in our city. It is at its lowest point in recorded history?" Really, Jake? Are you serious? Is this what you expect everyone to believe? What's next? Are you going to claim the FBI is wrong when they don't mirror your crazy dream about Salisbury's crime problem?  You cannot be serious, because if you are, we'd better call one of those EMTs and have them take you to that special place at PRMC for a 30-day eval.

It's not by happenstance that Day, like so many Democrats, fails to embrace his own responsibility for 'fake news.' Instead, he runs around town telling everyone he meets that all those who don't share his day trippin' fantasies must be liars and blocks those same 'naysayers' on Facebook!

Some mayor, right? He doesn't represent everyone - just the ones who thinks he's neat-o coolio! And here you thought Democrats were politicians for the People...surely you were grossly mistaken! Indeed.


  1. He blocks people on Facebook? What a jerk!

  2. He blocked me ages ago when I disagreed with him after a work session. I don't think I'm missing much looking at this letter.

  3. $1,000,000 to hire 10 new officers? according to that math, Fake Day would be paying them the same outrageous salaries that he gives his drinking buddies!!

    1. The cost of hiring an employee is more than just their salary. There is also the equipment, the training, the insurance, etc.

    2. The way the police officer is dressed (ready for any combat situation) no wonder it cost so much for equipment which is all for HIS protection not yours! If crime is down why do the police have more equipment for protection than our troops did in WW II,Korea or Vietnam?

  4. The only way there's 51,000 jobs in Salisbury is if Baby Boy Day is including all the chickens "employed" at the Perdue plant. also, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why so few people live here... It's a run down, slum lord infested town.

  5. This is as bad as that article a couple weeks ago where he said housing values have gone up $133,000 when most homes are under that much full price. This guy's smoking something and it ain't cigarettes.

  6. Day is a liar. He lies constantly to citizens and they know he's lying when he does it! The only person he's hoodwinking is himself. Sad little man.

    1. Of course he is a liar. Look at his family tree.

  7. "You can look on there and see the agencies that are transparent about their calls and crimes and those that aren't. Without knowing you might think those are the only places where crime occurs, but in fact, it's just that the others don't make their information available to the public. For example, there are unquestionably more non-proactive calls for service among the 66,000 residents who live outside of Salisbury in Wicomico County than those who live inside, but that information isn't public-facing."

    Is Jake Day trying to bash the county and the sheriff's office?? All in order to make him look like crime is going down because of him and that he has a better police department because of him?

  8. Randy, your son is an embarrassment.

  9. He blocked me on Facebook for pointing out all the violent crimes occuring. He tried the same song and dance spin on me as he did in that email. Hate to say it, but Salisbury elected a White Obama. Glad we moved to a conservative, quiet town in Florida

  10. Thanks again for this information , it's so obvious that this guy is in way above his head in deep crap. The old saying "what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ." I've also noticed that he laughs at everything , maybe he's on drugs or something hat alters his brain. It's all about the bass , as that singer says .

    1. 51,000 jobs? What is he smoking?

  11. The price you pay for wanting attention and a feeling if importance. Its literally to the point now that the only people that take what you say seriously are the ones that have to and those that continue to know smoke up your butt for their own personal interest. Day there will come a time when you stop believing the garbage that comes out of your mouth as well and want to go back to whatever rock you climbed out from under

  12. Day blocks people on Facebook all the time. He's such a little twit thinking he's above scrutiny.

  13. He keeps screwing around with businesses on Main Street and there will be more businesses shut down. Over 9 months to do a block of pavement, so is this what we can expect with every block section they do from now on?

  14. He's digging himself a deeper and deeper hole every time his mouth opens. Its amazing to think just when you've thought you've heard the dumbest thing yet to come out of his mouth he out does himself again. Nothing he says or the proposals he comes up with are rational or of sound logic. Please Jake just go away already

  15. Blocking voters on Facebook? See Salisbury, this is what happens when you don't pony up to the bar and have two candidates run for any elected position. When they run unopposed they feel entitled and treat citizens like crap. I've had many arguments with DC politicians where I'm not even a voter in their district and have never been blocked by them on Facebook or Twitter. Day is too immature to be mayor because the blocking on Facebook situation is so high school spat stuff. Is it time Salisbury just does away with the mayor position altogether?

  16. Look at what happened to the Minneapolis mayor last week. People are beginning to stop bowing down to these mayors and their nonsense.

  17. 333 training? Why would they need training if there's no crime here? OK!

    1. They better train. How does a long time officer and sniper on the tactical team make such a bone headed move last week? Oh and sorry Jake but your presser after that....no one was buying the B.S. you were selling.

  18. "A mute couldn't miss the escalation of incidents throughout the City..."

    A mute? Why a mute?

  19. Whenever a politician takes 3 pages to explain him or herself the chances of it being a load of garbage are greater than not. Wonder what the question was to provoke such response of stupidity?

  20. Day says he was educated at Oxford and holds a MA but his response is barely literate. Is this what's coming out of colleges and the military now days? SMH

  21. Day's a part of the intolerant Left. Blocking on social media just proves he thinks he's too cool to associate with anyone who doesn't kiss his butt and they just bring him down. He isn't interested in representing any of you. Being mayor is a power trip for him.

  22. Jake is the King of Fake News would have been a better title, Thornton!

  23. Why doesn't Jake just stop telling these obvious lies like this? It really makes him look unhinged and idiotic. We all know crime isn't down and housing prices aren't up by some astronomical amount. If there's anything good going on with the economy at all it's not due to him, it's because of Trump. He just panders with ridiculous lies over and over.

  24. Chief Duncan continues to lead SPD down. Unfilled vacancies are at an all time high. Pay is terrible, morale is in the toilet from abysmal leadership and Chief Duncan continues to engage in lies about the crime issues in the area. She has put her law school education to good use. She is an accomplished liar. Now two mayors have bought in to her B.S. Send her back to New York. We don't want her.

  25. To answer the emailer's question of what others think about Jake's response here it is: This email response from the mayor is just a bunch of babbling brook excuses which validates why I've never liked him from the beginning. He's full of it and has no problem putting it on display every time he talks to anyone. It is obvious he thinks being Salisbury mayor is a stepping stone and doesn't take the job or voters seriously. If he did, he wouldn't blatantly lie the way he does to people who live in Salisbury. Calling him if you're having issues when he never answers the phone or returns messages from the little people is like trying to contact the Pope. He knows before he even makes that suggestion he will never call anyone back. I'm unimpressed and underwhelmed.

  26. 756 you can't blame this totally on Duncan. Day doesn't need others to lie to people. He's perfectly capable of doing it all by himself without assistance. She didn't get him to lie to the Rotary. Not saying Duncan is competent but her mouth isn't running like his out in public all the time. We have no idea which parts he just makes up out of thin air without even talking to her.

    1. Then what exactly are you saying? Do you know? I did not say Duncan is the entire problem. Maybe try some reading comprehension classes.

  27. What Salisbury needs is a good City Manager. Why have a mayor especially one like Jake Day. He's making Ireton look good at this point.

    1. I disagree. Day is terrible but Ireton was the worst ever. A political and social disgrace.

  28. Don't believe Ireton ever blocked people on Facebook either 814.

    1. And you think that is the greatest sin of all? Blocking people?!! How about public drunkenness, sexual daliances in public restrooms.....i could go on. Jim Ireton is a vile human being and his time in office was beyond anything that could be published in a public forum.

  29. Arent they both disgraceful 818?

  30. Duncan is a whole lot better than her predecessor, Webster, who had no problem lying in public about everything and anything, and was one of the worst personnel managers this city had ever seen. Coming from Baltimore County, where he was an Internal Affairs officer, he arrived in Salisbury with a phenomenal sense of paranoia and used bluster, threats and falsehoods about his leadership to counter it. He was the perfect facilitator for his mayor, another paranoid personality with a huge knack for misleading the public with lies and cover-ups, including threatening the press, using city services to punish her detractors and perceived detractors, and a wholesale purging of city records just before her departure.
    By the way, that $2500 Persian rug is still missing from the mayor's office.

    1. Ancient history..i thought we were trying to focus on current events. A.D.D. is everywhere is seems.

  31. I look at the big picture , Day has to go , Duncan has to go ( she is by far the worse chief in the bury history) . Drain this swamp.

    1. 8:28...well said. Succinct, to the point. Kudos.

  32. Here's the scary part, (for me, anyway). Jake Day is now being tagged/labeled a "liar" and that's not good at all. I can tell you first hand that whenever Jake Day says to anyone that our traffic numbers aren't accurate or true, HE IS A LIAR. I have always challenged anyone, if you'd like to personally see our traffic I will personally make it happen, even our competition. I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished here. We are very quickly approaching 1,000,000 "published" comments. There's at least another million in rejected/spammed comments we refused to allow. Nevertheless, Day is a BS artist, just like crime is down in Salisbury. I guess on any given day he can make such a claim but obviously Day is not a VICTIM of crime like tens of thousands of taxpayers are experiencing. They've had the luxury over the years to have a rubber stamping press out there that absolutely refuses to publish crime stats and now everyone is in shock because Salisbury News now has more traffic then anyone else out there.

    Look, it's one thing to make a mistake and have to admit to the public you were wrong. However, it's another thing to flat out tell bold faced lies, crime, property values, SBYNews stats and ultimately become labeled as a LIAR.

    It's up to the citizens to decide. Let me remind you however, the stats SBYNews has published comes directly from the Salisbury Police Department. You have to seriously wonder, (now) if the figures they're reporting are in fact TRUE and accurate. I know of one woman who was raped and the detectives harassed her so much that she coward in fear for her own life by, get this, POLICE OFFICERS. You know, the very people that are supposed to protect you from these thugs.

  33. Our Boy Mayor, neat-o el stupid-o!

    Takes all hands in the village Jake...ALL HANDS, not just yours and yours alone. Stop digging the hole deeper!

    Neat-o el Stupid-o!

  34. Jake day, for someone who is 100% driven by pride and arrogance, a social media "whore" if you will(I have never seen someone so driven to be photographed to seem important) the constant reminder of how the majority of the people in Salisbury feel about you is not good for one's spirit and confidence. Is it really worth selling your soul and getting in front of the public spewing such garbage when EVERYONE knows it all to be untrue

  35. I have been looking for work a few months now.
    I have years of experience.
    I would like to know where these 51,000 jobs are.

    Is he talking about the:
    50,000 minimum wage part time no benefit jobs?
    Or the other 990 low paying, non livable wage, no benefit jobs with companies that have a revolving door on staff - that no one in the city will apply to?
    Because I can't find the 10 full time jobs that pay a livable wage with benefits.

  36. "Anonymous said...

    He blocks people on Facebook? What a jerk!

    July 23, 2017 at 1:04 AM"

    What do you expect from what amounts to a boy. He is extremely immature. We saw this with him many traffic infractions. He hates hearing (and for others to hear what is 100% the truth.) He's is very dishonest which really means he is a liar. This is a major character flaw and not something easily corrected. It shouldn't surprise anyone if he didn't lie as a child and was never parented correctly for it.

  37. "...lowest point in recorded history?" Wow. There just aren't enough words to describe how stupid this makes Day sounds. Disconnected from all reality.

  38. Jake got caught up in the downward momentum.Not always a Sully at the wheel to save the day.

  39. Jake, PLEASR take your meds!!

  40. You cannot be serious, because if you are, we'd better call one of those EMTs and have them take you to that special place at PRMC for a 30-day eval.


    They need to call Lifestar Ambulance and transport that Goon with the jacked up teeth to Eastern Shore Crazy Hospital in Cambridge.

    1. You're right I am a goon!! But the teeth thing now that really hurts, but guess what "crazy like a fox"

  41. Anonymous said...
    The only way there's 51,000 jobs in Salisbury is if Baby Boy Day is including all the chickens "employed" at the Perdue plant. also, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why so few people live here... It's a run down, slum lord infested town.

    July 23, 2017 at 1:27 AM

    He is also including all the Nocturnal Pharmaceutical Sales People on Lake Skreet.

  42. Being retired LEO for several years now I obtained my LEOSA concealed carry permit. There was a time I would carry a handgun in my vehicle during the day and in a holster at night. Nowadays it no longer sits in my vehicle its on my hip day or night. A very sad commentary to the state of affairs Salisbury and the surrounding counties are now in with the crimes being committed at any time of day. For the naysayers out there, I carried a gun every day for 27 years and when I retired I was very content not to carry it anymore now sadly I feel it necessary to carry again. A lot of you will complain that you cannot get a CCP (Concealed Carry Permit) do to the restrictions and confusing paperwork involved to be granted a permit. Let me just say I understand,agree, and sympathize with your dilemma. Unfortunately it will take heavy pressure on the Democratic Legislature to get some of the needless restrictions removed from the process. Its not much comfort I know but there are a lot of us out there, speaking of retired LEO's, that feel as I do and are carrying and should a situation arise we would not hesitate to take whatever action was necessary to protect ourselves or a citizen. The shame of it is our local elected officials and Police Dept.heads are Democratic Liberals who have their heads stuck in the sand and will not spend the money or hire and pay a good qualified candidate and supply them with all the training opportunities available to place an effective pro-active rather than reactive agenda to take the fight to the criminal rather than the other way around.
    Just the ramblings of an Old Retired Cop.

    1. You must have had some sort of contact/interaction with colbourne dykes?? What do you think he'd be doing or saying about Salisbury's drug and gang problems?

  43. Jake Day got his facts from CNN.

  44. Anonymous said...
    The cost of hiring an employee is more than just their salary. There is also the equipment, the training, the insurance, etc.

    July 23, 2017 at 3:33 AM

    Well in case it didn't occur to you, you don't have to keep buying equipment every time someone leaves. They don't take city equipment with them.

    1. Go ahead and base your employee business expense on salary and salary alone. See how that works for you😂. And btw, officers get brand new uniforms, brand new vests, brand new insurance, brand new pension. Kinda pitiful that this needs to be explained. Probably why we're in the financial situation we are in. They underestimate cost.

  45. Boy wonder hasn't added 51 jobs let alone those numbers they claiming.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Day says he was educated at Oxford and holds a MA but his response is barely literate. Is this what's coming out of colleges and the military now days? SMH

    July 23, 2017 at 7:34 AM

    Yes. And he did not attend Oxford as a 4 year matriculating student.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Day's a part of the intolerant Left. Blocking on social media just proves he thinks he's too cool to associate with anyone who doesn't kiss his butt and they just bring him down. He isn't interested in representing any of you. Being mayor is a power trip for him.

    July 23, 2017 at 7:41 AM

    The funny thing is these clowns like Jacked-up-Teeth Jake Day are the first ones bitching when it is said that President Trump "blocks" people on Twitter.

  48. Anonymous said...
    I look at the big picture , Day has to go , Duncan has to go ( she is by far the worse chief in the bury history) . Drain this swamp.

    July 23, 2017 at 8:28 AM

    And you think it's Ok to keep Rick Hoppes to rape the city and county tax payers and then to groom John Tull to take his place?? You can't be serious!

    1. I love how idiots like you put words in others mouth. The drain the swamp comment was spot on, but mental midgets like you want to turn it into an argument just for the sake of arguing . You are a part of the problem.

  49. Joe, I just went to the city's webpage to look for total number of fire hydrants at Public Works.
    "We will flush our water distribution system by letting water out of over 1,300 fire hydrants during a four-day period."

    Than I googled the price for the blue reflectors and came up with $10 each. So that means that Rick Hoppes and John Tull have wasted over $13,000 alone on product. Not to mention how much time it cost tax payer to find these fire hydrants and apply these adhesive stickers(Bwahahaha).

    In order for the crews to locate the 1300 fire hydrants that had to be very time consuming. Proves how much down time the paid firemen have.

    I have another thought! Why didn't the firemen flush the fire hydrants while they were at it so that Public Works doesn't have to come back and do it. OR!! Why didn't Public Works just put the reflectors down when they are flushing the Hydrants. OR!! Why didn't they just save all that money they wasted on those reflectors!!

  50. Day is responsible for nothing . He does have one thing in common with people his size , the Napoleon syndrome .

  51. We seem to only be able to elect idiots as mayor...I miss the simple days of Paul Martin.

    1. I miss Mayor Martin also. The last person in the position with class.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Of course he is a liar. Look at his family tree.

    July 23, 2017 at 8:43 AM


    And I have lost all respect for the entire Perdue Family as well!

  53. Anonymous said...
    Duncan is a whole lot better than her predecessor, Webster, who had no problem lying in public about everything and anything, and was one of the worst personnel managers this city had ever seen. Coming from Baltimore County, where he was an Internal Affairs officer, he arrived in Salisbury with a phenomenal sense of paranoia and used bluster, threats and falsehoods about his leadership to counter it. He was the perfect facilitator for his mayor, another paranoid personality with a huge knack for misleading the public with lies and cover-ups, including threatening the press, using city services to punish her detractors and perceived detractors, and a wholesale purging of city records just before her departure.
    By the way, that $2500 Persian rug is still missing from the mayor's office.

    July 23, 2017 at 8:28 AM

    Please be a little more specific. You bounced around so much it was hard to follow. I think I know what you meant, but many don't.

  54. "Nocturnal Pharmaceutical Sales People on Lake Skreet."

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I spit up my mornig coffee reading that one!

  55. Anonymous said...
    Day is responsible for nothing . He does have one thing in common with people his size , the Napoleon syndrome .

    July 23, 2017 at 11:13 AM

    We call it LDS around these parts. Ask his baby momma.

  56. Anonymous said...
    We seem to only be able to elect idiots as mayor...I miss the simple days of Paul Martin.

    July 23, 2017 at 11:19 AM

    I'm afraid those days are over.

    Just wait until we have a majority black city council and a black mayor. You think the crime is bad now. You haven't seen anything yet. You think the sewer debacle is bad? Flint Michigan will have nothing on Salisbury.

    That's why you idiots that let Jim Ireton do redistricting was a big mistake. You can thank your friends Debbie Campbell, Tim Spies and Terri Cohen for allowing that to happen. There are many good things that they did for this city, but this wasn't one of them.

  57. He is just regurgitating all the BS he was been spewing in the multitude of publicity he seeks. This is all the same BS from the newsweek article and the rotary article.

    What I find most interesting is they are JUST NOW organizing the safe streets team to address the guns and gang issues. Just now?

    And you wonder why crime is out of control.

    Sadly, I think he actually believes this crap. Which means nothing in the future is going to change. Because we don't have a crime problem. Us ignorant citizens only "perceive" we do.

  58. Jake isn't the problem its the people who voted for him and allowed him to run unopposed who are the problem. People in this area suffer from apathy and its the reason the town is finished. If you all really cared about Salisbury Day running unopposed would have never happened. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

  59. He's getting to that lying he does constantly again. He really needs a family and friends intervention to get that pathological lying he does under control It is a major character flaw and reflexes poorly on those closely associated with him.
    He gives no link to his claim (another one of his constant lies maybe?) that the FBI says the sites named falsify information.

  60. Jake, you aren't in elementry school anymore. Get a grip, this is real world stuff

  61. I know numbers are a liberals worst nightmare. Liberals are the only people I know that can add 2 plus 2 and come up with 8. Bury Boy Jake the snake is one of them. Now I'm not a rocket scientist but I just checked out the crime numbers on Crime Reports.com. Jake boy lists that as one of his references. Their numbers and the numbers off the SPD website don't match at all. Not even close. As for the FBI numbers I couldn't find them. So I'm lead to conclude that Jake the Snake is using numbers from a website that is promoting FAKE NEWS. The reality is Jake boy IS fake news.

  62. Jake needs to grow up. Man child.

  63. For decades its been written off and ignored as opinion, political spin, hyperbole, ect. But we all know its dishonesty.....actually its flat out lies, purposely, knowingly and willingly, with an agenda....fraudulent. When a public official leads a group of people, a community, town, a city....into harms way with fraudulent speak and lies...its an act of terrorism. If you were to tell a blind person waiting to cross the road, that nothing was coming and its safe to cross {knowing full well theres a truck coming} ...this is manslaughter. What is it when you tell an entire community or City there is no crime and put these people in harms way? Its long long past due to hold our officials responsible for their lies and crimes against the people. Delay accountability and the bad will get much worse, much quicker....

  64. Jake is a joke that is not funny just sad very sad. (map)

  65. 11:19, you are correct about Martin. He sure was simple, same as we have had after him. You want a great mayor you go back to Mr.Elmer Ruark...last decent one.

  66. if he is for it then I'm not big time. I do not trust him any way shape or form. (map)

  67. We lost Salisbury when they stolen the election from Joe. Now we are paying for it. It was our election to lose and boy have we. Shame on everyone that did not vote for Joe. Me not being one. I voted for you Joe. I will again. (map)

  68. Liberals like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Steve Jobs were all good with numbers. Republicans that are too lazy to get involved in local politics and support a candidate end up with a mayor that ran unopposed.

  69. I'm not being nit-picky here, the Mayor's writing ability is seriously in need of fairly basic education.
    Did he go to college?

    It is one thing to make typos and misspellings in a comment on a blog.
    But this is a communication from the Mayor - it represents a very poor grasp of the English language and basic grammar.

  70. I wonder how that police officer feels standing there trying to keep a straight face guarding the Mayoliar during his speech?

    I'm thinking "Insulted & Trampled Upon".

  71. Jake Day doesn't know how to tell the truth, he's lied about the fire dept lied about the fire service agreement, even contradicted himself in the news paper. Now he's lying about the police and the crime rate in slumsbury Md. typical snowflake dumbocrat little boy, wet behind the ears. Never ran a business but can run his mouth. Stop lying Jake, get a hold of yourself. Maybe you can become a real mayor, just shut your mouth most of the time cause we see through your lies. You and your cronies like Hoppes. Please STOP LYING.

  72. He truly can't help it, he's a child around a bunch of children that are on a power trip. He's totally surrounded by liars and con artists in every aspect of his life, city government, social, civic groups.

  73. I hope Jake and Barbara Duncan are reporting the real crime numbers to the FBI because they could find themselves in a whole lotta hurt if they're lying to them. And we're not talking civil, we're talking criminal because they're defrauding the Federal government. Not a good spot to be in.

  74. So anyone going to run against him? Its about time!


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