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Monday, July 24, 2017

Lindsey Graham: Vote Me Out If You Oppose Amnesty and Outsourcing

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is urging South Carolinians to vote against him when they disagree with his support for a national amnesty plus a greater inflow of foreign workers to take Americans’ jobs.

“To the people who object to this, I don’t want you to vote for me because I cannot serve you well,” he said in a Capitol Hill press conference July 20. He continued:

"The key here is to be fair to the 11 million [illegal immigrants], starting with the [2 million younger illegals] ‘Dreamers,’ but convince people we’re going to do what our great friend [President] Ronald Reagan was not able to do, [that] we’re going to actually secure the border, control who gets a job, [and] increase legal immigration so [foreign] people don’t have to cheat [by illegally immigrating]…

"I’ve stopped letting 30 percent of the people who are mad about immigration determine how I behave. To those who feel like you should deport [younger illegals], boy, I couldn’t disagree with you more…"



  1. Let us show this nice door here, now get OUT!

  2. Nice guy on the surface, but part of the deep state. Hope the voters of SC wake up.

  3. Lindsey Gramnesty

  4. The white Obama. Will do what he can to hurt America.

  5. Another side of the fence thought - could we (the USA) use their tax dollars IF they were citizens????

  6. "I’ve stopped letting 30 percent of the people who are mad about immigration determine how I behave..."

    You may not like it but that IS representative government.

  7. 8:23, We on this side of the fence are patriotic citizens looking for more the same. You just seem to be looking for some quick cash.

    So, the answer is, "NO"!

  8. He should definitely be careful of what he asks for. I hope his constituency gives it to him.

  9. YES, vote him out soon...

  10. Sometimes I wonder if someone isn't giving it to him.

  11. You folks are living in a cave. No matter what industry, employees just cannot be found. For the old people , who is going to paying for your social security when the number of workers putting in $$$ gets reduced even further . Weather its construction or technology, the labor force is JUST NOT HERE.

    THIMK PEOPLE!!! We need immigrants to fill jobs

  12. He is a scumbag - always has been. Do not be fooled by him.

  13. Well then 1258, goes back to the other question, 11 Million become citizens and officially become part of the tax make up of USA.
    Do we need 11 million more to "HELP" the tax base??

    Again, don't care if they just crossed, don't care if they have jobs others don't have/want, if they smell, patriotic, vacationers, speak English, right/left handed, etc.

    Will the influx of 11 MILLION officially documented US citizens "HELP" us?


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