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Monday, July 17, 2017

Letter to the Editor: Calvert County Sheriffs: “I was just going to work…”

The following information was published online on July 14, 2017, by Adrian A. Hall. A link to the original content can be found HERE.

Hello, my name is Adrian A. Hall. On Monday, July 10th, 2017 at around 6:45am, the start of an unnecessary day began.

I am a member of the Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers apart of the International Union of Bricklayers and work as a mason for JT Thorpe & Son at IHI Kiewitt located at Covepoint in Lusby, Maryland.

I drive a 60 mile commute every morning which is around an hour of a commute one way for me. I leave between 5:30AM and 5:45AM. I arrive at an offsite where I park my car usually between 6:45AM and 7AM. I get on a shuttle bus that takes me from the offsite parking lot to the work site, where I walk the rest of the way and sign in before 7:30AM. I get back home sometime around 7PM. We work ten hours a day (scheduled) at five to six days a week.

So on Monday, July 10th, 2017 at around 6:45am, I was within the last 10-15 miles or so before I got to work. Google Maps said that I’d arrive around 7:05am, so I was within a good time. I was on route 4 (which turns into route 2) behind a minivan and a few other cars for a while (maybe 20 miles or so). A Calvert County Sheriff vehicle made a right turn onto my road ahead of traffic. As a response, all cars slowed down to a bit under 50MPH in a 55MPH zone.

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CCSO Response
Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Responds to Social Media Accusations


  1. I don't believe he is so innocent and from what I have seen on the show Cops Live ....Carvert cops are A holes.

  2. Way to go Calvert County Sheriff's Office!!!! Thanks for putting the "rest of the story" out, he sounded so innocent in his side of the tale....to good to be true!!!!

  3. he was not charged for drugs. innocent or not, he was this time.
    they profile, we all know they do.

  4. If anyone bothered to do any research, he has no criminal cases on the maryland judiciary site. There IS NOT a PFA listed either, and their excuse that he was talking to his wife hindering their search is BS, because they did not know at that time of a possible PFA.

    1. Canine alert gave them consent and dispatched tells you about active protect orders soon as you run the person....good faith... He is lying that's why he puts all the useless information in his story but then vague about actual event... I have NEVER been arrested and don't have a lawyer on retainer but apparently has a innocent brick layer he does...also the protective order could be issued in any of the surrounding states not just Maryland... he also mentioned his google gps was telling him he was on time. Do you put your gps on every morning on the way to work on a route you no?? Also he hasnt filed a complaint? He wants a riot in his honor... 100 percent of ALL MAJOR cases that caused riots the POLICE were found to be innocent by a judge or jury.,,and most lost their homes and went bankrupt because of fake news. That's why murder and drugs are all time high. Keep cheering

    2. 9:38 Right and I am still trying to find out why the first commissioner would ask has he talked with his lawyer yet

  5. Why do liars alway put so much detail in all the useless information... I have never understood that.

  6. Joe please pull up the story tomm on how Canada paid a Gitmo terrorist $10 million who also killed a US SOLDIER.

  7. 11:11
    We already had an article about that on July 6th.


  8. I call bull hockey on the cops. This is another story of profiling, falsifying evidence to justify and corroborate their LIE. They are aggressive mercenary trained paranoid psychopaths that feel they can get away with anything as they often do. This guy should just make these 4 Government thugs pay. Find their wives and children. Fight this corruption. Make them pay or change their behavior. Enough is enough. Lol

  9. @ 12:27am
    I agree with some of what you said, however "find their wives and children"? That is SICK!! What do the officers wives and children have to do with this situation (or any to which the officer is involved in)?

  10. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday that the Justice Department will make it easier for local law enforcement to seize cash and property from crime suspects and reap the proceeds.


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