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Friday, July 28, 2017

JUST IN: British Baby Charlie Gard Has Died

The parents of Charlie Gard have said their 11-month-old, critically ill son has died after being transferred to a hospice.

Connie Yates and Chris Gard on Monday abandoned their five-month legal battle to have him moved from Great Ormond Street hospital (Gosh) and taken to the US for experimental treatment, after acknowledging that his condition had deteriorated.

They then fought to have him taken home, saying it was their “last wish” for Charlie to die at home.



  1. RIP baby Charlie! May your parents find peace now.

  2. So sorry for your loss and your valiant efforts, God Bless and I hope you have many more children in the future.

  3. Little Charlie Gard is a shinning cautionary tale why we should ALL reject Universal Healthcare aka Single Payer System! He might have lived to be a health adult and thensome had the UK had the medical system we used to have here in the states. That's the real deal right there.

    1. You are an unconscionable and uneducated ass.


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