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Thursday, July 20, 2017

ICE Director: Hundreds Of Immigration Agents Will Deploy To Sanctuary Cities

The head of the U.S. government’s lead immigration enforcement agency said Tuesday that he will devote more resources to arresting criminal aliens in sanctuary cities, focusing attention on interior operations as illegal crossings at the southern border continue falling.

Thomas Homan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), told the Washington Examiner that the Trump administration has empowered law enforcement to strictly enforce immigration laws, a welcome change from previous administrations he has worked under during his 30-year career as an immigration cop.

“Now they have meaning to their jobs,” Homan said, referring to U.S. Border Patrol and ICE agents. “What this president has done is taken the handcuffs off of law enforcement officers who are charged with enforcing immigration laws.”



  1. Arrest and eliminate! There is a very big desert out in Texas for burials.

  2. Please start in Montgomery County. Their crime rate keeps going up. Oh wait they wanted the illegals. Nevermind let them live with their choices.

  3. We never needed "Reform", we just needed to enforce the laws we already have.

    Thank you, Mr. President!

  4. Round em up and ship em out!

  5. Look up the Montgomery earned income credit.. get extra money for being broke there!


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