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Monday, July 10, 2017

ICE crackdown scaring some families back to Mexico

President Donald Trump's crackdown on undocumented immigrants by federal agents is scaring some of those families back to Mexico, according to knowledgable sources in the Pueblo community.

According to news reports, federal Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents were told in a February memorandum to detain any undocumented person they encountered -- not just those with a criminal history or those in jails, the previous policy.

That ramped-up enforcement has reportedly led to 14 people in the Pueblo area being arrested by ICE agents this year.

One of those people -- 49-year-old Benito Rubio -- died in a Denver hospital from undetermined causes while in federal custody after being arrested Feb. 28 in Pueblo.

Sources report that some undocumented families have left the area for Mexico rather than run the risk of having a parent arrested or even sentenced to prison for immigration violations.

More here


  1. Long, long overdue...

  2. It's amazing what happens when you enforce the law.

  3. This needs to happen here. There are more and more of these illegals in Salisbury every month. The mall is full of them on rainy days and holidays. Never seen so many of them before. They must be coming here thinking Maryland is a sanctuary state.


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