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Thursday, July 13, 2017

I Hate It When Trash Just Jumps Out Of The Truck

If anyone knows Mr Miller can you please let him know that his trash must have fallen out of his truck in the Pocomoke State Forest.


  1. Friend of mine lives a mile or so from the dump. He has written several letters and even returned trash to many people through the years. Has evolved into a sort of part time hobby. Of he doesn't return the trash, he'll include pictures. But, he still often gets total denials, "but your name is right here!"

  2. No doubt a democrat

  3. There needs more of us to do the same. Deliver the trash back to the person who dumped. It is just plain laziness to dump on public or private property. Take a little pride in where we live.

  4. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!July 13, 2017 at 12:31 PM

    Funny. to house train a dog, you put them in a place where they consider their home and they won't soil the area. What does this say about Robert Miller or Current Resident at Meadow Bridge Rd and his soiling up his home?

  5. Sounds like Mr. Miller is due for a hefty littering fine.

  6. A fine he should receive and others that do this. I know in my neighborhood especially my front yard I receive almost every renters junk and their is always a piece with their name and address so you know who doesn't bag their city trash. I don't understand why the city still dumps their trash there used to be a rule they didn't take it if it wasn't bagged. I guess another one of those things on the books that that there aren't consequences.

  7. Yeah we were riding liscensed dirt bikes down that road on Sunday and noticed that big pile of trash horrible can't believe somebody would just dump that out in the State Forest like that.

  8. My guess is that Mr. Miller no longer resides at that address, back behind the pines on Meadowbridge Road.

  9. What ya' in for??
    Litterin' and litterin' and litterin' and.... smokin' the reefer. --Super Troopers

  10. It ain't Alice's Restaurant.

  11. Can we take a picture of the unwanted newspaper trash building up on the curb in our development and get them to do something about the idiots dropping that stuff off?

  12. bet his DNA on that mattress, nasty POS

  13. 35 years ago we were leaving for a weeks vacation in June. Our little girl was still in diapers and we didn't want to leave the little bag in the house for a week. We dropped it in a dumpster on the way out of town.
    Today they just leave it laying in the parking lot next to the cig butts they dumped and take off. Different world now folks.


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