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Sunday, July 09, 2017

"I am going to take his ass apart"

On Saturday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) vowed to take Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson’s “ass apart” while speaking at the Essence Festival in New Orleans.

“Ben Carson was appointed to be the HUD secretary,” she reportedly said. “He knows nothing about the mission of HUD. He doesn’t care about people in public housing. He believes that if you are poor, it is your own fault. And he doesn’t know the difference between an immigrant and a slave.”

Waters then promised: “And if he thinks when he comes before my committee where I am the ranking member [of the Financial Services Committee] that I am going to give him a pass… I am going to take his a** apart.”

She also blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.



  1. This woman is mentally ill.

  2. Is this her latest mental breakdown?

  3. Ugly and an ugly mouth to go along with her ugliness.

  4. THIS buffoon, this ghetto imbecile, this embarrassment to women, is one of the shining stars of the Democratic party. A top leader.
    Anyone still wondering how Trump "took their ace apart"??
    Carson forgot more about health service between 10 and 11 am this morning than she EVER knew.

    I LOVE it when the liberals cheer this crap. I love it when they continue to tell people the sky is green and they should be afraid!!
    They can't win an election -- for anything -- and will continue to lose as long as they let her and her ilk run their stupid mouth with their stupid fear mongering and hate.

  5. If she NEVER lived in the hood then she CANNOT talk about it!! Isn't that the view from most democrats? Or is Maxine changing the rules again?

    1. she needs to build a hood in her back yard.

  6. What a hateful piece of dirt, she is.

  7. Doesn't she live in a $4 million home. WTF does she know about HUD?
    At least Dr. Carson went from rags to riches and healed countless numbers of children with brain amoralities.
    Speaking of which, maybe she should be nice to him...he may be able to fix her ailments.

  8. The face of the DEM's.....evil upon evil

  9. Isn't that Dr. Zaius? The more she speaks the worse it becomes. I would like to shave her ass and teach her to walk backward!!

  10. Waxie Maxie's hate for all things and people Trump is only coming back on her. She's looking at being primaried out of her seat and her face is falling much like the sky! You can't sedate that which you hate. You'd think a woman her age would've gotten that memo by this point. Apparently not.

  11. She should left that alone.The last time she tried to tear one apart, they had it sown to her face.

  12. Take two Zanex and don't call me in the morning. She is a ignorant person.

  13. I'm not sure she can find her own much less tear apart Dr Carson's.

  14. Good! She's awesome, get them all they are all so damn crooked

  15. She is pure you know what, a complete idiot. Lives in a 4.5 million dollar house and paid her daughter $750,000.00 to send out flyers. She needs to be assassinated not Trump!

  16. 1:44 she's awesome?? Hope that's sarcasm! Want to talk about crooked...You do know she paid her daughter over $650,000.00 to seal frickin envelopes. But let me guess ...you are ok with that.

  17. She is a freaking crook. Pays her daughter to send out flyers. How many did she send out? 10,000,000,000,000,000. For 750,000.00 I would want it to be a whole lot of flyers. But you know, the rules of campaign finance don't apply to people like this old crook or that other old crook, Hilary. Go back to your million dollar house woman. Like you know something about HUD. All you probably know about it is how to steal from it.

  18. hatefull heart - pure and simple

  19. She reminds of something sittin' on a porch on Fitzwater st.

  20. She is a mean, evil, racist, sexist person...not to mention just plain stupid. I actually have called her office to say what a disgrace she is to women, and her stupidity does not help black people at all. Yes, I said black....not African-American. I do not refer to myself as a white European, Hungarian, Irish (and everything else I may be part of)...I am AMERICAN. Period.

  21. "He believes that if you are poor, it is your own fault. And he doesn’t know the difference between an immigrant and a slave.”

    She believes that if you are poor, it's everybody else's fault and the government's responsibility to support you for the rest of your life, not to help you find a job or get qualified for one. She uses the word "slave" for flavor every time she can, whether it's relevant to the conversation or not.

  22. This woman shames her own race, she is an ignorant, foul mouthed, loud, obnoxious piece of ----. She needs to be impeached, investigated, kicked out, whatever it takes to shut her up. Ben Carson is a role model to the black race, as a doctor he was the best, anything he does is for the betterment of this country. She is a black Hillary need I say more?

  23. She blasts anyone who is not a Democrat or supports her. And Calif voters keep electing her. She probably had something to do with drawing up an election district that keeps her in office. She should be in jail.


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