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Saturday, July 22, 2017

HypoCrat That Profited From Outsourcing Points Finger at Carrier

Exactly one week after Sen. Joe Donnelly's investments in a family business that outsourced manufacturing to Mexico were exposed, the Indiana Democrat is reigniting his call for legislation that would punish companies doing just that.

Donnelly responded quickly after the Associated Press reported on his investments in Stewart Superior, a privately owned business that has been in the Donnelly family for generations and that recently shifted manufacturing to a plant in Guadalajara.

The Indiana senator first announced he was cashing in his stock in the company. Just days later the company removed all traces of the Mexican manufacturing operation from its website, without disclosing why the change was made.

Now, Donnelly is re-embracing the anti-outsourcing rhetoric that initially led to him being branded as a hypocrite.

"We need to change our federal policies to stop the outsourcing of Hoosier and American jobs," Donnelly said in a video posted on Thursday..


1 comment:

  1. Too late for your fake conscientious stuff.


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