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Thursday, July 27, 2017

House of Representatives Prioritizes Border Security in Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, DC: On July 27, the House of Representatives voted to include nearly $1.6 billion of funding for border security projects in the Make America Secure Appropriations Act. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) issued the following statement in support of this funding:

“As a member of the House Appropriations Committee and the Homeland Security Subcommittee, I have consistently voted in favor of this funding since the appropriations process began, and I am proud to vote in favor of this funding again today. Securing our nation’s borders and cutting off illegal immigration are critical to our national security and sovereignty. I will continue to support efforts to add to the barriers protecting our border.”

The House of Representatives will vote on the passage of the Make America Secure Appropriations Act later tonight.


  1. If we don't shut off the source we will certainly fail to have any control

  2. 2018 is right around the corner, people please think long and hard about what lies and deceit Jake day has put before you when he reveals his attempt to unseat this man

  3. 2018 is right around the corner, people please think long and hard about what lies and deceit Jake day has put before you when he reveals his attempt to unseat this man

  4. 3:44 we will fight hard to keep Congressman Harris into his seat...Jake can go take the back seat or run along behind the Harris train....


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