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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Hillary Peddles 'Nasty Woman' T-Shirts

Hillary Clinton is on Twitter advertising “nasty woman” t-shirts where proceeds from the sales go to Planned Parenthood.

The shirts are being sold by TBS, the network that hosts “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee,” a political comedy show.

“Support Samantha Bee & Planned Parenthood & buy a Nasty Woman t-shirt!” Clinton wrote next to a photo of her holding the black “nasty woman” shirt.

Support Samantha Bee & Planned Parenthood & buy a Nasty Woman t-shirt!https://t.co/I9qd3M3cFq pic.twitter.com/XDpBcFqF7k
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 11, 2017

The “nasty woman” phrase was popularized when then-candidate Donald Trump referred to Clinton as a “nasty woman” during one of the presidential debates.

Samantha Bee thanked Clinton for her support in selling the t-shirts.



  1. We already pretty much know who the nasty women around us are, so why label them?

  2. Just another MONEY SCAM.

  3. Funny, but most of the purchasers will be those who can ill-afford such crap.

  4. She has lost her contributors, donations, and followers so this is all she has. Doesn't qualify for legit employment and doesn't have the health to hold employment.


  5. Finally a little truth-in-advertising from Mrs. Bill Clinton! She is a nasty woman. For an extra $10K she might even autograph the shirt.

    The Nasty Woman pics will be easy to recall if she ever runs for anything but a bus.

  6. If that is how she reacts to being called "nasty", I wish Trump had called her a nasty, criminal, ugly bribe-taking whore.
    Or would that be too many words to fit on the shirt?

  7. Suits her perfectly!


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