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Friday, July 28, 2017

Greatest HOAX of the 21st Century! 98% Scientist DO NOT Believe in Man-Made Climate Change

Do you believe in man-made climate changes and global warming? Did you know that 98% of scientists do NOT believe in man-made climate changes, but it was recently reported that they did. The trick behind the fake news report is that whomever asks scientists about global warming, only asked 77 scientists. 75 of them believed man-made climate change. The other two scientists did not believe in man-made pond parties filled with man-made rain. 75 out of 77 is about 98%.

This is where those global warming liars get their numbers from! If I asked 77 people if they think pizza without cheese, sauce, or toppings is delicious, then what would they say? I can almost guarantee that ALL 77 people polled would likely state that they would not like that pizza. That gives me a final report of 100% people disliking pizza. Now I can say 100% of people dislike pizza.

Make sense yet? The trick is to only ask a handful of people and probably pay them to answer the way you desire. It gives you an accurate measurement of the people asked, but it’s not even close to being an accurate indication of the way our entire country thinks.



  1. Here was the actual survey question and the answers to choose from.

    “Is global warming happening? If so, what is its cause?”

    Respondent options were:

    Yes: Mostly human
    Yes: Equally human and natural
    Yes: Mostly natural
    Yes: Insufficient evidence [to determine cause]
    Yes: Don’t know cause
    Don’t know if global warming is happening
    Global warming is not happening

    Enough Said?

  2. First it was called global warming, now it's called climate change. It was and always will be just a hoax to redistribute the wealth. Trump proved that when he pull the U.S. Out of that stupid summit to get billions of dollars from us to give to other countries. After Trump pulls out some of the other countries said we are leaving too if we can't get money from the U.S.

  3. By 631's logic we are never able to adapt to new evidence. Change the name of something and it is no longer valid. I'm glad you're just some idiot on a blog and not someone with any pull

    1. Nice way to pivot and not knowledge climate change is a FAKE. You snowflakes are a funny bunch.

  4. When the evidence from the beginning was proven false it should have been finished then but to much money on the line.

    1. Left always dies that. Just like Russiagate
      No evidence but keep going. Lol

  5. It was always about power and control for the left. The melting Snow flakes too stupid to think for themselves.

  6. Enough Said?

    July 28, 2017 at 5:11 PM

    Not really

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    By 631's logic we are never able to adapt to new evidence. Change the name of something and it is no longer valid. I'm glad you're just some idiot on a blog and not someone with any pull

    July 28, 2017 at 7:40 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nice way to pivot and not knowledge climate change is a FAKE. You snowflakes are a funny bunch.

    July 28, 2017 at 7:47 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When the evidence from the beginning was proven false it should have been finished then but to much money on the line.

    July 28, 2017 at 7:47 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It was always about power and control for the left. The melting Snow flakes too stupid to think for themselves.

    July 28, 2017 at 8:38 PM

    Must be raining where you are at to keep you inside and boring us with your bs.

    Stop attacking people just because you are bored.

  8. This hoax pales to the 1st greatest hoax: the election of Obama..

  9. Surveys and polls do not make credible Science.

    Peer review and the Scientific method makes Science.

    Among Scientists, specifically Climate Scientists, there is a consensus that climate change is related to man made CO2 emissions.

    Credible peer review scientific journals is where scientific consensus, not surveys or polls, or blogs or campaign stumps.

    It matters not if you don't like the consensus... it is considered true until better information is forwarded and peer reviewed to change the consensus. That is how it works.


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