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Friday, July 21, 2017

Feds Blow $171M On Social Security Payments

The federal government gave away $171 million in Social Security checks to people with more than one Social Security number, The Washington Free Beacon reports.

The inspector general of the Social Security Administration discovered the payments had been given to people who possess more than one Social Security number or given to people who are deceased.

The inspector general outlined exactly what happened.

“We identified more than 5,000 instances where, contrary to Agency policy, SSA appeared to simultaneously issue monthly [Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance] OASDI benefits and/or SSI payments to individuals under both of their cross-referred SSNs,” the inspector general said.

“We also identified over 13,000 instances where SSA continued paying beneficiaries after it recorded death information on their cross-referred SSNs.”



  1. It is time the U.S. Government Do Away with this bloated entitlement program and save everyone a whole lot of money. Too many people who never worked a day in their lives are collecting Social Security Checks, and people like you and me -- the people are pay for everything -- are stuck Footing the Bill.

  2. I bet they all vote dumbocrat too.

  3. Put whomever cashed the check IN PRISON.
    Televise it and have Sessions say we are coming for you, too, if you are doing this.
    I'm still dreaming.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It is time the U.S. Government Do Away with this bloated entitlement program and save everyone a whole lot of money. Too many people who never worked a day in their lives are collecting Social Security Checks, and people like you and me -- the people are pay for everything -- are stuck Footing the Bill.

    July 21, 2017 at 12:31 PM

    It is NOT an entitlement program. People pay their own money into this system. It was designed as a safety net for workers when they reached old age.

    And disability was and is for people who CAN'T work. It was not designed for people who WON'T work. And it sure as hell was not designed as a piggy bank for pols to use whenever they felt like it, for whatever reason and to never pay it back.

    People who have no legitimate claim should never be allowed to draw from the fund. And that goes for immigrants and refugees as well. The states have programs for them until they go broke.

    It is a U.S. program for U.S. citizens who have worked and cannot work due to old age or disability.


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