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Monday, July 24, 2017

Driving too much is bad for your brain: study

Spending a lot of time driving may actually put your brain in reverse.

A new British study found that spending more than two hours a day behind the wheel steadily lowers IQ, especially in middle-aged drivers, according to the Sunday Times of London.

Driving is physically and mentally sedentary and can cause stress and fatigue, all factors in brain decline, experts told the newspaper.

“Staying mentally and physically active helps keep our brains healthy, so it is not surprising,” researcher Rosa Sancho said.



  1. No wonder so many truckers drive like idiots now.

    1. That has nothing to do with the amount of hours truckers drive. Truckers have been driving long hours from the start. The low quality of truck drivers nowadays has more to do with the young age of drivers now and the CDL mills that churn out these people without adequate training. And the changes to laws, rules and regulations that makes it more difficult to follow their internal body clocks. And to further make things unsafe are the idiot 4-wheelers that don't know how to drive around big trucks.

  2. Living too much is bad for your brain!! :)

  3. I always knew those truck drivers acted nuts, now here is real proof!

  4. Depends on where you drive....

  5. I would have to agree, I've seen one of Salisbury's local long distance tow companies drivers and he's a but case. There seems to be no type of regulated hours these guys can and can't be on the road. The guy is all over Facebook bragging about sleep deprivation

  6. There seems to be no type of regulated hours these guys can and can't be on the road. The guy is all over Facebook bragging about sleep deprivation

    July 25, 2017 at 3:55 PM

    If he has a CDL he has regs to follow just like the rest. If he or ANYONE brags about sleep deprivation he is indeed a nut. Or a liar.


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