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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Driver’s licenses could be coming to your smartphone in Md.

WASHINGTON — Under a recently launched program in Maryland, transportation officials are testing out new technology that could allow you to quickly access your driver’s license on your smartphone.

The digital driver’s license pilot program aims to make obtaining an up-to-date license as easy as downloading an app, officials said.

“We are proud to be on the leading edge of testing technology that will deliver the driver’s license of the future,” said Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn. “This innovative technology will increase customer convenience and enhance safeguards to our already secure driver’s licenses.”



  1. Just what we don't need. How did we ever function without smart phones? I am doing well without one. Well Officer I thought I could show you my license on my phone but my battery is dead. People can't pay their bills because they make 12.00 an hour and have a 50 dollar or more phone bill. A lot of people lose or damage a phone before they have it paid for.

  2. bad idea.
    I guess some politians have there hands in it $$$$$$

  3. Programs invite hackers. Hackers steal or corrupt information. The program will be hacked and people will get screwed somehow, just wait for it. Somebody will make a lot of $$ selling protection. Kinda like the Mafia.

  4. Just like with some insurance cards that can be displayed as an original on a smartphone to LEO - NOPE! Not handing my unlocked phone to a cop.

  5. Just wait until your phone turns you in for speeding.

  6. Til you grab your phone and get shot. Lol


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