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Monday, July 24, 2017

Dismantling McCain’s Distastrous Legacy

McCain's absence will create a unique opportunity for President Trump to alter the course of our foreign and domestic policy

It is hard to estimate how much influence over U.S. domestic and foreign policy John McCain had. With his illness upgraded to a glioblastoma in his head, the likelihood of his return to a policy position is unlikely.

As I predicted earlier this week, the severity of McCain’s health problems will inevitably usher in a major power shuffle in Washington.

The Arizona senator’s absence creates a unique opportunity for President Trump to alter the course of our foreign and domestic policy. From Iraq to Libya, Syria to Afghanistan and right up to Russia’s borders in Ukraine, McCain’s bloody paw prints are all over more than a decade of American foreign policy blunders.

Most of these foreign policy nightmares have served, directly or indirectly, to weaken Russia’s western and southern flanks and prevent Eurasian integration. And of all the excrement that has exited McCain’s mouth, his hatred for Russia has always seemed most sincere. Everything else is politically fungible.



  1. If things can be changed for the better due to one career politician being out, the one politician had too much power.

  2. It's like how many court cases and how far back do you go when it's found that the judge has been of declining mental capacity for years. Some people keep up a long and great front when they're crumbling from within.

  3. Mr. McCain was a horrible Senator for far too long and he has been doing the bidding of the Military Industrial Complex and the Israel Lobby the entire time he has been in Washington DC. Good riddance for a criminal.

  4. Mr. McCain was a horrible Senator for far too long and he has been doing the bidding of the Military Industrial Complex and the Israel Lobby the entire time he has been in Washington DC. Good riddance for a criminal.

    July 24, 2017 at 12:44 PM

    I don't know what you mean by the Israel comment, or the military complex one either. But you failed to mention the BLM influence he ran rampant with.

    One thing we agree on, he is a terrible senator.


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