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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Democrat to Linda Sarsour: Where’s the $100k You Raised for Jewish Cemetery?

Brooklyn Democrat Dov Hikind demanded Tuesday that Palestinian-American anti-Trump activist Linda Sarsour account for $100,000 that she helped raise for a Jewish cemetery that needs repair, but which says it has not received the money.

Hikind, a New York State Assemblyman, was responding to an article Tuesday at the Algemeiner (original emphasis and link):

A Jewish cemetery in Colorado that has fallen into severe disrepair has yet to receive a check for some $100,000 from a group associated with Palestinian-American BDS [boycott, divestment, sanctions] activist Linda Sarsour, despite being promised the money several months ago, The Algemeiner learned on Tuesday.

Neal Price of the Golden Hill Cemetery in Lakewood, CO said he had left three unreturned voicemails for Tarek El-Messidi, the founder of non-profit Islamic education organization Celebrate Mercy, who led the high-profile effort by the Muslim community in February and March to raise money for vandalized Jewish cemeteries in the US. El-Messidi’s partner in the effort was Sarsour.

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1 comment:

  1. Uhhhh, might want to check any transfers to ISIS's bank accounts.


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