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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Dem Leader Dodges Questions About Busted IT Employee

WASHINGTON — House Ethics Committee ranking member Ted Deutch fled from The Daily Caller and his office refused to respond to emailed questions about his knowledge of former House IT employee Imran Awan, who is now charged with multiple counts of bank fraud and previously worked for the Florida lawmaker and other Democrats.

Last week, TheDC asked Deutch about the IT staffers as he walked down the steps of the Capitol, but Deutch motioned to his middle school daughter being with him and complained that he could not answer the question at the time.

“You know as much as I do,” Deutch said.



  1. Meanwhile "President dodges questions about....just about everything."

  2. Good name for a movie title. "Clueless in D.C.".

  3. 1:07, really? There is a lot he can't talk about.(map)

  4. 1:07 Your party may want to look in the mirror 😏


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