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Saturday, July 08, 2017

Delaware Senator Brian Pettyjohn Has Been Served By Sheriff Mike Lewis Himself With Felony Charges

Name:State of Maryland
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff
Name:State's Attorney - Wicomico County
Address Line 1:309 East Main Street
Address Line 2:PO Box 1006
City:SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803

Officer - Arresting/Complainant
City:SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801

Court Scheduling Information
Event TypeEvent DateEvent TimeCourt LocationCourt RoomResult
Hearing - Preliminary Inquiry07/25/201708:30:00Wicomico District CourtCourtroom 1

Charge and Disposition Information
Charge No:1CJIS Code:2-5203Statute Code:TR.5.1008
Charge Description:FIREARM EXPLSIV ON AIRCRFTCharge Class:Felony Circuit Court
Probable Cause:YES
Offense Date From:06/22/2017To: 06/22/2017
Agency Name:Officer ID:

Document Information
File Date:06/22/2017Close Date:
Filed By:
Document Name:Document Issued

File Date:06/22/2017Close Date:
Filed By:
Document Name:Summons Issued

Service Information
Service TypeIssued DateService Status
Summons Issued06/22/2017


  1. Oh heaven's to betsy.

  2. This county and city officials are a bunch of narcissist drama queens. Have to be on front of a camera or in the news someway shape or form. Eventually at some point karma will ALWAYS cone back and bite you in the ass mine Lewis

    1. his deputies are bullies....big time bullies

  3. big deal. so mike knows how to show him where to sign and can sign his own name and remember what agency he works for.

  4. More grandstanding. Should have arrested him ON SITE the day it occurred.

  5. Mike Lewis trying to catch another glimpse of fame. The same one who went to OC Godspeed to help his friend Davis Ruark out while drinking and driving with a loaded handgun. Mike Lewis needs to go! Anything he can find newsworthy to get more "ME" time. Mike and his little man syndrome is getting old. Would someone please run against him? You would be a shoe in for sure. People are sick of you Mike. You are pathetic!

    1. We the tax payers need to clean house in the Sheriff's dept.....fire everyone, and start over or disband their department

    2. Oh here we go again..533.why don't you put your money where your mouth is and run yourself. I'm sure you're perfect so you're sure to win in a landslide!

    3. how much time did lewis get you for Zero - or is this your disposition for all LEO

  6. You all are all idiots. There are two other Deputies with the last name of Lewis. DFC Lewis is the charging Deputy. Always trying to stir up crap that doesn't need to be stirred up. Sheriff Lewis was not seeking any lime light. Let's give DFC Lewis some the credit and not bash Sheriff Lewis.

  7. Who wants to bet this amounts to nothing! But, if you or I did it, we'd be in jail for a long, long time!!

  8. I'm not sure what the deal is with this Delaware politician, but seriously, did Mike Lewis have to be the one to arrest him? The Sheriff's job is to supervise, not make a name for himself.

  9. More than one Lewis working in Wicomico county SD. Are you sure it was Mike?

  10. Wrong - the docket entries indicate that a summons has been issued but not yet returned as having been served.

  11. You must be a special kind of stupid if you think only criminals hate Mike Lewis 10:11. I have never been incarcerated and I can't stand him along with many others.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    how much time did lewis get you for Zero - or is this your disposition for all LEO

    July 8, 2017 at 10:11 PM

    if ur not lewis why are you even commenting?

  13. Dear Zorro ,

    One of these days you may need a deputy , I'll remember your comments.
    You certainly live in an Antifa world of play.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dear Zorro ,

    One of these days you may need a deputy , I'll remember your comments.
    You certainly live in an Antifa world of play.

    July 9, 2017 at 5:56 AM

    Here we go with this shite yet again. If you criticize me, I won't do my job. wah wah wah.

    I guess you snowflakes will never get tired of repeating this, and other bs. Take your ball, go home, and STAY there.

    You want to "save our ass, not kiss it", but you want your asses kissed all the time or you won't do what you are PAID TO DO. (vollies are similar but don't get paid in the traditional sense)

    You crybabies are just hurting yourselves in the long run so PLEASE, just stop it.

  15. Mike you need to stop worrying about stupid crap like this and take care of real crime in the area. I'm starting to think that you are becoming more of a mouthpiece instead of a Sheriff. If you are trying to work your way up to something then just go. Sick of seeing stupid crap like this instead of real police work. Just saying


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