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Monday, July 17, 2017

Crisfield crab pot maker to be recognized at White House

The Trump White House has learned at least one thing about the State of Maryland: It never hurts to highlight a blue crab business in the middle of the summer.

Representatives from Heath’s Crab Pots in Crisfield will be on hand at the White House on Monday for an event touting American made products and manufacturing, officials said.

Details of the event were slim, but the White House said Vice President Mike Pence, members of the cabinet and lawmakers will join President Donald Trump for the event.

“By offering each state the opportunity to showcase a Made In America product, President Trump reaffirms this administration’s commitment to further encourage manufacturing in the United States that will further stimulate the economy and create jobs,” the White House said in a statement announcing the event.



  1. I heard George Nelson is getting overtime for this?

  2. I picked up a wooden crab mallet the other day... Made in China. A wooden crab mallet.

  3. 1:56 real marylanders don't use mallets


  5. 220
    But if you are not from Maryland, or you are not a "real Marylander" whatever that means, and you wish to use a mallet on the crabs, then you must use one made in China.

    That is the point of the comment.
    Even a crab mallet is now made in China.
    Americans don't make jack-squat.
    Except for War.

    1. Untrue and leave the country. WE THE PEOPLE will not miss you.

    2. 257 snowflake you realize the article is about AMERICAN made product right? You liberals lie about everything. Congrats to Eddie.

  6. The mallet he picked up isn't for crabs. It's for all the idiots who don't want sobriety check points and rather have drunk drivers out on the road.

    1. I bet u had a few driving ? Hypocrite.

  7. Okay, some basic economics; what does a crab mallet retail for? $1.50? Okay, what does a crab mallet cost? In the U.S. about $5.00 per; in China about $.30.


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