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Monday, July 10, 2017

County Jail Joins Information Sharing Project

SNOW HILL – Worcester County will join the list of counties participating in a project aimed at providing criminal justice officials with more information on inmates.

On Wednesday, the Worcester County Commissioners approved a request from Warden Donna Bounds to participate in the Justice Information Sharing Solutions Project sponsored by the Governor’s Coordinating Offices. The project allows participating jurisdictions to share inmate information when an individual is transferred from one agency to another.

“It would allow the exchange of information of inmates and detainees who are transferred from counties throughout the state to Worcester County and vice versa.,” Bounds said.

She said that by participating in the project, the Worcester County Jail would have access to relevant information regarding inmates coming to the county. Through a “Criminal Justice Dashboard,” officials would have access to real time data regarding inmates. Bounds said the data would include alerts in cases where inmates had shown assaultive behavior, for example, or suicidal risk.


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