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Sunday, July 09, 2017

County Executive Bob Culver Press Conference


  1. Completely confused as Culver specifically declined detail in his press announcement citing personnel issies. Is it or isn't it?

  2. What's so confusing 510? There's nothing confusing about it. The Finance Director knew about it and lied to auditors. Look at the documents. She knew everything going on and decided to lie about it to the Council or auditors.

  3. I'm not confused and I felt that John Cannon was pulling some of his political BS trying to flex his muscles. Need to get rid of Cannon and his cohorts. I'm not a fan per say of Culver, but don't think he's the problem on this one.

  4. Looks like Johnny Cannon wasted a lot of money on nothing.

    1. How much money. Read on here last week, it was 50G but was told today it was less than 8 Thousand

  5. Johnny Cannon has an agenda. He is planning on running for Bobs job County Executive, so he is going out of his way to try to smear Bob and make him look bad. Its all about getting votes next year at the polls.! Until the last few months, you never saw Johnny anywhere except for council meetings and now you do. Does not not send up a red flag to you folks? Cover yourself and watch your back Bob.

  6. Hey Hey, Yo Yo, John Cannon needs to go. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

  7. Lewis being a liar is not surprising at all. Look at the way she hedged around that last meeting with the council on the budget. She didn't even know what the hell she was talking about or doing. She needed Wayne and Michele to help her through it because her explanations sounded like BS.

  8. John Cannon, your mother would've knocked you into next year if she saw this kind of crap. She's lucky she's not around to see it. Of course, if she were still alive you probably wouldn't be doing it in the first place. Just disgusting, John. Really low-class.

  9. My guess is Lewis and Cannon are in cahoots. Neither one can be trusted.

  10. What is wrong with the rest of the Council? Are they ALL sheep who follow anything Cannon suggests? He will do ANYTHING to discredit Culver. I don't agree with everything Culver says and does, but this was a ridiculous move by the Council! To the rest of the Council, you all need to grow a pair and oust Cannon as president.

  11. Now we know the real reason why Lewis was asked to leave! What else did she lie about?

  12. 7:12, aka, EBT Blogger, It was actually more then $50,000.00 . Because you are so stupid and refuse to look into anything, (you're too lazy) when you add up all of the attorney fees referencing this audit matter, it cost the taxpayers more then $50,000.00. The entire expense is all tied together on one topic matter. Like a typical liberal you only tell part of the story.

  13. The email correspondence has grammar and spelling mistakes. Sad to see top level employees can't manage basic English - but I digress. As far as the pay for the HR Director, I think a raise was certainly in order. In addition to HR duties (and who doesn't think that job is a thankless one!), she obviously understands and can explain the budget better than the former Director of Finance. Culver was within his rights to give her a raise. She earned it and deserved it. So, this boils down to being about a lie. As most of us have experienced, if someone tells one lie, there are usually many lies. This no longer is a personnel matter, if the person in charge of finance for the County has told repeated lies on various issues. The public needs to know the truth - all of it!

  14. The council would be wise to abandon Cannon because he's dragging the entire group into some conflict they don't need to be a part of. They're pawns in his game and he won't care if they lose their positions on the council for his stupidity, abuse, fraud and waste. Cannon should be voted out as president before it becomes a complete joke.

  15. 8:14 It's already a complete joke. Thank you John 😒

  16. Heard that Lewis purposely didn't print on her letterhead. Was she setting someone up to be fired and end up getting canned herself?


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