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Monday, July 17, 2017

Cops And Courts – July 17, 2017

License Plate Reader Detects Stolen Car

OCEAN CITY — A Frankford, Del. man was arrested on auto theft and other charges this week after an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer monitoring a license plate reader on Route 90 detected a reported stolen rental car from the Philadelphia area.

Stolen Golf Cart Joy Ride On Boardwalk

OCEAN CITY — A Hyattsville, Md. man was arrested on motor vehicle theft charges last weekend after allegedly swiping a hotel golf cart and driving down a crowded Boardwalk before crashing into a parked vehicle and a sign.

Arrests For Fighting Cops

OCEAN CITY — Two Washington, D.C. area men were arrested on multiple charges last weekend after causing a scene and fighting with police on the Boardwalk on a crowded summer night.

Personal Watercraft Collides With Bridge

OCEAN CITY — The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reported a fairly calm Fourth of July weekend on the water around the state with 15 reported boating accidents, including the most serious being a personal watercraft that struck the Route 90 bridge in the bay behind Ocean City.

Jail For Heroin In Cemetery

SNOW HILL — A Berlin man, arrested in May for using heroin in the Bishopville Cemetery in the middle of a Friday afternoon, pleaded guilty last week to possession and was sentenced to 90 days in jail.


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