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Monday, July 31, 2017

Coming Soon: Changing Ryan's Privates


  1. So sorry this viewing has been CANCELLED by TRUMPS ban on TRANSGENDER'S! If you want it - pay for it!!!!

  2. Yeah, discrimination is something to be so proud of.

    1. The military discriminated every single day. Your mind and body have to be sharp and focused. Not everyone is able or meant to serve. Even those with good intentions that love their country and want to serve get turned away. A US citizen does not have the right to serve in the military. It's not for everyone and it is not a social experiment. I'm sorry but many people that say they support this have not actually been around real transvestites. Go to rehobeth late at night with your family and tell me you feel comfortable with them around your kid. They are the creepiest mentally unstable people and should never be put in a combat situation where real men and women lives are on the line. The best thing to do is keep your mouth shut, if serving your country is so important deal with being quiet. When you get out you can do what ever you want and that is your right. Don't force yourself and your beliefs on other people. We don't have to accept it and fortunately the military will not have to deal with it now. I guarantee you almost no one actively serving or veterans want this. The percentage is probably smaller than the actual transvestite population. If you really want to be patriotic and support your country and the defenders of freedom then support the opinions of the generals, those serving and the commander-in-chief. They fight for your right as a citizen. USMC Combat Veteran.

  3. Bring back Corporal Klinger!! At least he added humor to this nonsense!
    I'm glad someone is finally growing a pair in DC and the pentagon- instead of getting them cut off!!

  4. Not even in humor is this funny, he/she is disgusting.


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