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Friday, July 21, 2017

Clinton Foundation, UN Tight-Lipped Over Private Top Level Meeting

The Clinton Foundation and the United Nations are being curiously tight-lipped about a meeting that took place last week between the foundation’s head of foreign policy and the UN’s Deputy Secretary-General — the latest sign of the controversial organization’s continued and sometimes surreptitious maneuverings.

Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed met Friday with the Clinton Foundation’s director of foreign policy Amitabh Desai. The meeting was first noticed by UN blog Inner City Press, in a one line entry on Mohammed’s schedule.

A spokesman for Secretary-General António Guterres told Breitbart News on Friday that the meeting, which took place at the UN headquarters in New York City, was “part of the ongoing effort to engage and mobilise support from different development partners and stakeholders for the implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda.”



  1. You can bet the farm that this meeting was NOT Kosher. They're cooking up something crooked for sure.

  2. The UN pays the Clinton foundation for political favors in gaining US tax payer funds.


  3. Just getting the spelling ironed out on a forthcoming UN award for the Clintons' aid to Haiti and their daughter's wedding!

  4. The UN has asked the Clinton's to use their assassins to get rid of Pres. Trump because he is cutting off their money.


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