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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Child begs for food; mom out clubbing

MARIETTA, Ga. – When a little girl knocked on James Fisher’s door asking for food at 7 p.m., Saturday evening, he was more than happy to welcome her inside for a heaping plate of spaghetti and to play with his kittens.

“It was pretty obvious, she wanted help. She wanted us to do something about it,” Fisher said of the girl, whose mother was nowhere to be found.

By about 2 a.m., Fisher said, the 11-year-old girl was sleeping on his couch. Fed up with no sign of her mother, Deborah Oats, he called the police, with the presumption that she was out clubbing--because it happened frequently, he said.

“It’s just unacceptable for a mother to do whatever she wants when she has a kid at home.”



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