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Friday, July 21, 2017

BROKE: New FEC Report Shows DNC Finished June $3.3 Million in Debt

Under the leadership of former Obama official Tom Perez, a new FEC report reveals the DNC finished the month of June $3.3 million in debt. 
The DNC, still in rough financial shape, finished last month $3.3M in debt, per new report.



  1. Get it from the Clintons. They have it


  2. Good. This will let them live with the kind of policies they advocate.

    Spend now, worry about it later.

  3. Financially and morally bankrupt.

  4. Maybe if they had not assassinated one of their own last year, their donors might still be giving. Not to mention handing over the reins of power to the farthest-left nutbags they could muster up.

  5. Uncle George will bail them out.

  6. Yea check the clintons they have it all and then some

  7. Maybe the democratic constituency sees the party as an exercise in futility. The organization is run by dopes, their 2016 signature candidate was a dope, their President for the last 8 years was a dope, and finally the lame stream media are dopes. Nuff said.


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