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Friday, July 21, 2017

Breaking News: Sean Spicer resigned as press secretary

Telling President Trump he vehemently disagreed with his choice for a new communications director

Mr. Trump offered the New York financier Anthony Scaramucci the job at 10 a.m. The president requested that Mr. Spicer stay on, but Mr. Spicer told Mr. Trump that he believed the appointment was a major mistake, according to person with direct knowledge of the exchange.

Publishers Notes: LMAO! Can you say, disgruntled?


  1. Good bye, Spicy. You did a Poor Job at your job and a now busy complaining about being demoted for doing such a Poor Job. Nobody cares what you think, so just get out of the way at Let President Trump Make America Great Again!

  2. RATS....Melissa McCarthy is out of a job. I will miss her.

  3. A poor job at what 1229? Trying to cover up the most ignorant, uninformed, and often downriggt deceitful statememts from this POTUS. Im not talking about the usual political spin. This crew jist goes for outright tall tales. They shoukd hire Tom Clancy for Press sec

    1. Please don't comment unless you know what you are talking about. Tom Clancy has been dead for several years.

    2. Its called humor 6pm. Try some. Since you are so concerned about introducing facts, you should be the #1 nemesis of this admin

  4. 4:25 Yes because Hillary or Obama never lied right? How about Loretta Lynch? Susan Rice? What's that...nothing you say??
    Two wrongs don't make a right but if you are gonna rag on my prez at least include the others who have done far worse. And I bet you voted for both Obama and Hillary and you are good with all the crap they have done right??

  5. I'm sorry to see Sean go since I thought he did a superb job. However, D.C. is a city of huge egos and frankly I think Sean thought he would get communications director. Too proud to settle for press secretary.

  6. 4:25 is proof that Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. He comes all Unhinged whenever someone stands up for President Donald Trump. The little Snowflake is melting!

  7. This is not shocking news. Spicer doesn't like Tony the new boss. It's not a state's secret. It was only a matter of time for him to resign. If you guys read up on National News from sources other than CNN and MSNBC for a change, you'd know this 411 already.

  8. Tom Clancy wrote for the intelligence agencies.
    He was a spook.

    You may want to learn the truth so you don't make a fool of yourself.


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