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Friday, July 28, 2017

Breaking News: Russia seized two American diplomatic properties and ordered the U.S. Embassy to cut its staff in retaliatory steps for new sanctions

Russia on Friday seized two American diplomatic properties and ordered the United States Embassy in Moscow to reduce its staff by September, the government’s first retaliatory steps against new American sanctions.

The move, which Russia had been threatening for weeks, came a day after the United States Senate approved a law expanding economic sanctions against Russia, as well as Iran and North Korea.
The law, mirroring one passed by the House of Representatives on Tuesday, now goes to President Trump for his signature.

The statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry said the United States Embassy was asked to reduce its diplomatic and technical staff throughout Russia to 455 by Sept. 1, matching the number of Russian diplomats in the United States.


  1. Good for them. All this Red Baiting was built on Fake News and it was only a matter of time before the Russians started to push back. The push back is about to get harder!

  2. Can't say as I blame them.Our crybaby legislators don't have enough guts to do anything here so they blame others without any proof that has been produced for all to see. Just BS
    Total Stupidity

  3. Turn around is fair play. We did this to them as well.

  4. I don't blame them either. It appears that some organization wants a war with Russia and for it to look like Trump is the cause.

  5. So are you guys saying Russian annexation of Crimea was a hoax? Are you saying clear Russian partnership with Iran is a hoax? I'm unclear of what facts you are looking at and how you are using facts to come to your conclusions here.

  6. I don't blame Russia.
    They simply don't want to do business with Western Banks are being forced to accept the worthless US Dollar as a currency.


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