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Monday, July 31, 2017

Breaking News: President Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci as communications director, as requested by the new chief of staff, John Kelly

President Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his position as communications director, three people close to the decision said Monday, relieving him just days after Mr. Scaramucci unloaded a crude verbal tirade against other senior members of the president’s senior staff.

Mr. Scaramucci’s abrupt removal came just 10 days after the wealthy New York financier was brought on to the West Wing staff, a move that convulsed an already chaotic White House and led to the departures of Sean Spicer, the former press secretary, and Reince Priebus, the president’s first chief of staff.


  1. Finally, an adult trying to fix the clown show. Best wishes General Kelly.

  2. oooh rah! Marine in charge!

  3. Good move, guy is a scumbag. Should have never been hired.

  4. Shake it up President Trump!!!! Not much talk about Russia now!!!!

  5. Good , Glad he's gone!

  6. Good. Scaramucci was a disgusting jerk. Total pig.

  7. Shake it up President Trump?

    Mr. Trump is the person who appointed Scaramucci.
    Mr. Trump is the person who appointed Sessions.

    So far, Mr. Trump has been his own worst enemy.
    I say get to work.

  8. It's looking more like a banana republic every day.

  9. God, that place is a three ring circus!

  10. 4:43, the president knows what he is doing. Thank goodness he is smarter than us. Maybe he has put on the show to get silence from the Russia crap. Great man making America great once more.

  11. Could Scaramucci been brought in just to get rid of Reince Priebus & Sean Spicer? After Priebus resigned there's been no leaks. Connect the dots!

  12. 636
    Don't fall for CNN propaganda.
    The leaks are done by Mr. Trump himself.
    It is all a head fake.

    An intelligence operation against the American public.
    Getting us ready for the economic collapse.

    1. You sound silly 650. Just plain silly.


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