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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

BLM leader quits post as ‘chief human capital officer’ for Baltimore schools

BALTIMORE – Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson is quitting his day job as a Baltimore city schools administrator to focus full-time on agitating.

“For the past year, I’ve been the Chief Human Capital Officer for @BaltCitySchools,” Mckesson posted to Twitter last week. “I’m leaving this month. It’s been an incredible year.”

Baltimore city schools CEO Sonja Santelises hired Mckesson as an interim chief human capital officer last year, prompting criticism from some and praise from others. Mckesson previously worked as a school administrator in Minneapolis schools before leaving the profession to protest against alleged police brutality against blacks in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, according to the Baltimore Sun.

Throughout his time in Baltimore schools, Santelises continuously defended Mckesson, whom she tasked with overseeing a $4 million budget and 56 employees.

She continued to heap praise on the social justice warrior when she announced that Mckesson will be leaving the district by the month’s end.

More here


  1. Any guesses about who'll be paying for him to be a professional agitator after he leaves his gov't job?

  2. Has something happened to his arm, holding it in that position? I don't see any sling or cast. Maybe break it off and shove it where the sun don't shine.

  3. He better watch his A. and not preach his BS.

  4. He has been and will continue to be a waste of oxygen!


  5. This means democrats are getting ready for faze 2, face lift. They will put up a women with darker skin (because anything else would be racist and massagonist) this champion will be a victim of sorts and will SAY anything or do ANYTHING the masters ask... just my opinion

  6. Poor poor role model.

  7. Just another liberal mutt. Use him to lower the standards of the black community instead of lifting them. But at the end of the day he will make lots of money and thats all that matters.

  8. Non-news. Clean up your city Baltimore!

  9. Thugs teaching thugs. The new America!!

  10. This is way too funny. Dude gives up an opportunity to make a difference in kids lives, something the NAACP has been harping on, to take on a role as an agitator. He is a disgrace to his race and should be tarred and feathered and ridden out on a rail.

  11. He looks like a sissy.

  12. 5:00 was thinking the same think. He looks a little sweet 😁

  13. Just what the kids need in schools > a Racist

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just what the kids need in schools > a Racist

    July 25, 2017 at 8:11 PM

    have you forgotten schools are the training grounds for future life?

  15. Uh huh.
    He had to go because he was stupid. Couldn't write legibly, couldn't spell, no organizational skills (getting 100 people to burn a store down ain't the same thing as coordinating a business entity), no respect, and no sense of purpose, other than to agitate.
    Had a chance to help change things, but didn't have the skills.
    keep cheering.


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