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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Black Pastors Sue Coke: 'We're Losing More People to the Sweets Than to the Streets'

Two African-American pastors filed a lawsuit against Coca-Cola alleging that the company is killing their parishioners.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that the lawsuit filed by William Lamar of the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. and Delman Coates, the pastor at Mount Ennon Baptist Church in Clinton, Md., was born out of funerals at the pastors' churches for people who died of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

"It's become really clear to me that we're losing more people to the sweets than to the streets," Coates told the Post. "There's a great deal of misinformation in our communities, and I think that's largely a function of these deceptive marketing campaigns."

The two pastors blamed Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association, another defendant in the lawsuit, for intentionally not being truthful with customers regarding the sugar content in their products and the dangers it poses.



  1. All that fried food probably didn't have anything to do with it.

  2. Nor did gallons of sweet tea.

  3. What ever happened to personal responsibility ? Sounds more like a cult than a church.

  4. Lardy,lardy lardy.

  5. They've been making sugar free drinks for, well, a lifetime. How can you sue them when you chose to buy the sugary drinks?

    Hey, look! FATBACK & RIBS!


  6. Counter sue them personally, and ask for sanctions for a frivolous filing. Ridiculous. They're just fishing for 'walk away money'.

    Discovery, if it ever gets that far, should be sweet (pun intended) when they are required to list what they have purchased or permitted to be served at church suppers, picnics, etc!

  7. It's abortion that's the number one killer of American blacks. Not diabetes, not gunshot wounds, not cardio problems. It's destroyed two generations since 1973. Face up to it.

  8. African American culture today, they've been mentally manipulated and whole heartedly accepted the victim persona, and some preying on the ability to accept financial gain from white liberalism

  9. African American culture today, they've been mentally manipulated and whole heartedly accepted the victim persona, and some preying on the ability to accept financial gain from white liberalism

  10. ban the purchase with food stamps and ebt cards

  11. Oh hell yea I'm a fat tub of S#!t and it is all coca-cola's fault,hell everybody knows that. What was that TV lawyers name again?

  12. Well if soda is so bad for everyone it should be taken off the list of things that can be purchased with food stamps! There are lots of other things that should be taken off the list as well.

  13. Assuming they can read the contents listed on the label. Pretty weak case. If they win, it's the racism of low expectations.

  14. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!July 15, 2017 at 5:37 PM

    Just what this country needs is more nuisance suits to clog up the court system. Ridiculous claims are the reason nobody with real claims can get the right to a speedy trial. Instead, these suits make it impossible for real lawsuits about real issues to be adjudicated in any timely fashion. Wonder if the judge will dismiss it without even hearing a case. It should be because clearly, people have a responsibility for what they put in their mouths. Nanny state cradle-to-grave BS has to end.

  15. One day, hopefully, these people will understand that it is not someone else's fault if you smoke, drink, use drugs, or engage in any other destructive behaviors.
    It's ALWAYS someone else's fault, huh?
    They spend waaaaaay too much time trying to blame OTHER PEOPLE for how screwed up they are.....
    If it wasn't so pathetic, it would almost be funny. Almost.

  16. Never heard of that before 3:48. How do they multiply at the rate they do if this were true.

  17. It worked in suing the cigarette companies,and they even had warning labels on them. They will get millions out of it and live the high life while the dumbasses drinking soda will continue to drink soda. They will accomplish nothing but enriching themselves.

  18. True pastors don't sue it's not biblical sounds like Pharisees to me


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