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Monday, July 24, 2017

Beware: How to avoid rare flesh-eating bacteria in Chesapeake Bay

SOLOMONS, Md. — As summer kicks off, here’s what you need to know about certain bacteria that live in waterways, including the Chesapeake Bay.

Infections from Vibrio vulnificus are relatively rare, but you have a higher risk of infection or serious complications if you have a health problem such as diabetes, cancer or cirrhosis of the liver, or if you’ve recently had stomach surgery.

“If you have any of those illnesses, please stay away from oysters and raw fish,” infectious disease expert Dr. Rita Colwell said during a lecture on the topic last week at the Calvert Marine Museum.

Colwell, a former director of the National Science Foundation, is currently a distinguished university professor at the University of Maryland College Park and the Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health.



  1. Texas Pete hot sauce and beer will kill any bacteria in those oysters...if you are skeptical, send them to me....I ain't scared!

  2. At the risk of people actually believing you, no they will not haha. Don't try this at home lol

  3. 1145
    Thank you for correcting a silly comment.
    This is a very serious topic and Joe was gracious enough to educate us by posting the article.

    Thanks Joe

  4. Point 11:43 was making is that there is bacteria of some type in every food we eat....chicken, steak, fruits, vegetables and seafood. So you wash and prepare foods according to all know acceptable preparation and EAT or starve...plain and simple.

  5. 1:12 Right. People with those diseases and ailments have been told by their doctors what to avoid. These warnings are similar to the "here's what to do because it is snowing" warnings. Also, don't eat local oysters until the water temp is colder.

  6. Joe is a modern day renaissance man! He knows something about everything!! Keep it up, Joe!


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