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Monday, July 17, 2017

Berkeley student who cried racial profiling & mistreatment is arrested for hate crime, vandalism

Remember the UC-Berkeley student who at the end of June claimed he was racially profiled by police and then detained “without explanation or justification”?

And, remember how the Associated Students of the University of California — without knowing any of the details of the incident — unanimously (with one exception) supported him ?

Well, now that student officially has been arrested on vandalism and hate crime charges.

Ismael Chamu was picked up by police on Thursday, and is sitting in Berkeley jail on $85,000 bail. Berkeleyside reports he faces charges of “felony vandalism causing $400 or more in damage, the commission of a hate crime, hate crime enhancements and conspiracy.”



  1. Writing “fuck white people,” is evidently a hate crime some places, but not in others in the U.S.

    1. all 35 houses that he vandalized Were white owners in addition All 17 cars that he slashed tires were owned by white people. He openly admits to hating white people, hurting them and destroying their property. Yup it is a REAL HATE CRIME.. It's all starting to backfire on the liberals. FYI his college tuition was FREE.

  2. My father graduated from U C Berkeley in 1921 I'm sure he would hate to see what has happened there.

  3. Transfur to SU then it won't be dealt with at all, like the noose incident.

  4. Big Sis learning them college stoodents real good.


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