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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Belligerent teacher gets detained and schooled after refusing to tell ICE if she’s a US citizen at checkpoint

If you are stopped by a police officer in your car, what do you do?

Well, of course, the first rule that everyone learns is ‘do what the cop tells you to.’

Especially true, perhaps, at border stations and with border control.

But apparently, an English teacher from San Diego, decided it was her moment to pull a liberal social justice warrior act.



  1. Send her back to Mexico and don't let her back in the U.S.

  2. I read the news story on the Drudge Report. She was way out of bounds and disrespectful to the office. She was entering the country and he was doing his job. If she had simply answered questions without the hassle and attitude, she would no have had any problems. I ran into this both times in Canada and When I went to Mexico back over ten years ago. I was nice to them and they to me. Even joked with me, stating you traveled all this way to buy this junk!

  3. She just wanted her 15 minutes of liberal jackass fame.

  4. 1:54 PM she wasnt entering the country she was already in the country and was 100 miles inland from the border.

  5. Ask her what she thinks of Common Core.

  6. She should be sitting in a class, not instructing one.

  7. 313, careful, your ignorance is showing. Believe me, teachers hate nclb and cc more than you do.

  8. If I was stopped by an officer it would have to be 100% convincing because with all that is going on today I would be afraid to stop.

  9. 313 is the parent who doesnt go to pta or bts night but calls the school to complain about everything

  10. Conservative TeacherJuly 27, 2017 at 3:26 PM

    Here we go again. 2 million teachers in the US. That means, just like cops, military, nurses, and other public services, there are bound to be the nutjobs. Dont dare to compare must of us to that. Remember, studies have shown more than 1\3 of us teachers vote republican.

  11. 1:54 if someone is entering this country at a border checkpoint then they have to produce a passport and no one would have to ask if you are a citizen because your passport answers the question for you. Don't know where you have been for the last 8 years.

  12. 4:09 They been right here and many have never been west of the Bay Bridge let alone out of the country. Yet they are smarter than everyone else.

  13. Wow how courageous to protest from your air conditioned top of the line van. All her kids holding up 700.00 cell phones and watching live feed from the in car Flat Screen. Her white guilt extended to harassing another white person from the "white soccer mom vehicle" and then calling Mexicans " brown people". Sooooo courageous probably had a welcome home party at her rich all white suburbs.

  14. I actually agree with her -- I am also against random dui checkpoints.
    These violate basic freedoms.

  15. Seems like Nazi Germany tactics to me.

  16. And when a van full of criminals sneak through, or a tractor trailer brings illegals, or cartels bring in tons of drugs, most of you are pulling your hair out, ripping your clothes and shouting WHY DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING.

    You can answer the questions or sit on the side of the road for 90 minutes or longer while they figure out who you are. You sure showed them thought didn't you?

  17. 9:45 No legalize(and tax,use the tax to set up treatment centers) the drugs to take the profit away and fine(use the fines to build the wall) the heck out of companies and people that hire illegal aliens and don't give any welfare to them and then they won't have any motive to stay. Then we won't have to worry about long check points that infringe on our liberty. You're using old school thinking that hasn't worked for the last 50 years.

  18. The irony here is that this is not a SJW sort of thing.. usually it is a Soverign Citizen sort of tactic, or an extreme conservative thing.

    These check points DO have the right to stop and question... but beyond that, they can't DO anything. You are under no obligation to answer any questions, and they have to have just cause to detain you. As long as a driver stops, and allows the questions (mind you they don't have to answer).. there is nothing the boarder patrol can do.

    No one in a free society should forfeit their rights for any reason. Period.


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