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Sunday, July 02, 2017

Barge Escapes Chesapeake Ship Builders, Salisbury Fire Department Refuses To Help

On Saturday morning the SPD got a call that a barge broke loose from Chesapeake Ship Builders. The Salisbury Police Department immediately called the Salisbury Fire Department for help, since they do in fact have a Fire Boat.

One would think the SFD would jump right in and help rescue the barge but their response was, IT'S NOT OUR PROBLEM. 

Chesapeake Ship Builders was able to retrieve the barge and tied it back up before the COAST GUARD arrived but isn't it just amazing the lack of concern and or support from the Salisbury Fire Department?

The Salisbury Police Department had Officers monitoring the situation until the barge was finally secured. 
Interesting how Boy Mayor Jake Day can gather a group of paid Firefighters to show up for all his photo op situations but when it comes to real safety situations, it's not their problem. It's probably because he hasn't created legislation in which they can charge Chesapeake Ship Builders for the use of the million dollar Fire Boat yet.  


  1. I have noticed they don't assist in water rescues either. Westside and allen had one recently. I believe Mt Vernon also assisted.

    1. They are not due in that area, but would respond if requested

    2. Lol probably says differently if you read the grant request

  2. Is the fireboat even in operating condition? I know it spent considerable time up on blocks in a local boatyard.

  3. Their original agreement with the Coast Guard was to assist all the way to Easton if they had to. This is how they SOLD the idea of purchasing it in the first place, mutual aide.

    The leaders in the Salisbury Fire Department are nothing short of con men and liars

    1. I hear it's not running well if at all!

  4. sad commentary here. then leadership should decide fair compensation for situations like this very soon. this looks bad for the city and the fire department no wanting to help a local thriving business. don't we want to be a friendly city and keep our business community happy?

  5. What is happening with the SFD anyway? Is there any further word on the volunteers are they going to look for work elsewhere, and are they receiving any pay at all from any source? The fireboat cost way too much for a community this size, the only time the old one seemed to be in use was to pick up dead bodies in the Wicomico, or I guess pulling in a boat that was broke down.

  6. Salisbury police were monitoring ? WTF Reminds me of the TV advertisement of the bank guard , he is just a guard to monitor bank robberies . The fire dept. actions were no surprise to me.

  7. Wow. Are they going to get the same answer if their building catches fire?
    Good move Salisbury. Give yet another company that employs dozens of locals and contributes to the economy an excuse to move somewhere less hostile.

  8. They should have put a 55 gallon drum on the barge with a trash fire in it.

  9. There's a perfectly good excuse for this. All of the fire fighters were in Ocean City for their convention.

  10. What a metaphor for the current state of the city. Not surprising that they sat on their thumbs. The heard is only as good as the shepherd and this "mayor" that self-proclaims to be the next big thing is no better than the wayward barge itself.

  11. I went to the hospital recently in a Salisbury Fire Dept. ambulance. The 5 minute ride cost more than the emergency room visit.

    1. You're paying the paramedics and EMTs that went out of their way to care for you in the ambulance on the way to the ER and those same people ensured that you were seen and taken care of before leaving the hospital. Yes it costs a lot of money, but with good reason.

  12. 12: 35, I had the SAME experience too!!

  13. Sounds exactly like Hoppe's Reply.
    He's the Biggest Jack Ass this
    County has ever employed!

    1. If you did not hear him say it, can you prove he did say it? P.S. - Street talk and I heard cannot be used as proof.

  14. If it is not on fire, why would you call the fire department?

  15. 2:09
    That is the dumbest comment I have seen. I guess they shouldn't go to car accidents either. They also shouldn't go pick up someone that is having a medical emergency,,,unless of course they are on fire!

  16. 12:35 I would go in an ambulance unless I'm unconscious and have no say in the matter. Otherwise, I'll have someone drive me to the hospital.

  17. Bill Gordy is the one who lied to get this fireboat that was not needed and made that agreement with the coast. SFD is not trained how to deal with a barge floating loose.

  18. SFD has a Fire Boat and does not know how to tie ropes to another water vessel to keep it from drifting? (LOL) Do they even know anything about water crafts? Have they taken the Coast Guard safety course? Do they know what a boat does? Do they know how to launch a boat? Is it even in the water? Why was it purchased, so they could do weekly fishing trips or just profile on the water like a bunch of beach bums? What a joke.

  19. The fire department has made a bad move by not helping the only locally owned company that could help them with there boat if anything should go wrong with it. Boat builders/ship builders stick togeather and word travels very fast.

  20. Somebody should seek the truth for the reason - instead of having 22 people telling 22 different reasons. Perhaps most readers think like me - "this is non newsworthy BS to give the minions something to moan over.

  21. We don't need no stinkin fire boat.

  22. Ha ha ha fact they didn't go truth shipbuilders will remember They didn't go the reasons shipbuilders does not care truth it was a bad move by the fire department and i love reading this stuff it some of the best entertainment reading these blogs

  23. The leaders in the Salisbury Fire Department are nothing short of con men and liars

    June 27, 2017 at 10:13 AM

    Most firemen(people, persons) have mental/ego issues. Just read any comment from one in your archives. Not their job to kiss your ass, just save it. (yeah I know, paramedics)

    When they FEEL like it seemingly.

  24. Couldn't DNR help? Silly me to busy writing tickets in OC. Sorry.

  25. City was to worried about sitting on the front of fire trucks or riding around town . There over paid. Make them do more work . Get rid of the fire chief . Get rid of records and Scott.

  26. Salisbury Fire Dept. Is a far cry from what it used to be. Poor leadership has run it into the gutter. It's going to get much worse in the near future. They couldn't handle a major emergency incident now without outside help like the ticks from county volunteer stations. The SFD has disappointingly turned into joke. A daycare center for over inflated egos, drunks and crybabies. Who don't want to do anything that resembles work.

  27. Who are the drunks and who has over inflated egos? Maybe the new volunteer station can sue for the fire boat and handle water calls also?

    1. Seriously? They want to be a county station, buy a county boat

  28. Fireboat, mandate by the Feds, new volunteers spent $400,000 and have no territory, suing the city so they can get their TV's and X-boxes back. That's all they ever did was have sex in their love shack and play video games.

    1. Wrong station . They had PlayStation not Xbox. They really never played . They were to busy cleaning what the paid guys couldn't seem to finish .

  29. 12:35, same with me. It was not even 5 minutes. They even screwed up the iv they gave me. Blood spraying all over my arm. Then had the nerve to charge me 800.00 for that little ride. Rip off. Next time I call a taxi or something.

  30. 1:59, absolutely right. Get paid to sit on their azz most of the time. Hero's????? Yea, right.


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