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Friday, July 07, 2017

At Least 101 Shot And 15 Killed In Chicago During Bloody July Fourth Weekend

At least 101 people were shot and 15 were killed on the streets of Chicago over the long Fourth of July weekend between Friday afternoon and early Wednesday, according to the Chicago Tribune.

The carnage marks one of the most violent Fourth of July weekends in the Windy City in recent years.

The violence was mostly confined to the South and West sides of the city in districts where the Chicago Police Department deployed hundreds of overtime police officers to help quell the violence.



  1. Thank a liberal or the ones that voted for one.

  2. Isn't that where Obama from

  3. Still not enough.

  4. Any place where you find a lot of blacks being killed you will find a Democrat running things blaming a Republican.

  5. But none of them were innocent young black men begging for their lives with hands in the air with a promising education and career in the near future shot by a racist white cop...so, no news here. Keep it moving folks.

  6. Keep on voting Democrat, Chicago!

  7. Its obviously not enough, as there still way too many rampant criminals in this City. These numbers have to double or triple if we ever hope to quell the criminal element in this City! Just think of the peace we could achieve if we could get rid of a thousand a day for 6 months!

    Life would be a lot better then!

  8. It's called "thinning the herd"!!

  9. About an average holiday weekend. Dem's way

  10. MSNBC missed this for some reason. But then so did ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN.


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