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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Arizona Senate Candidate: McCain Should 'Step Away as Quickly as Possible'

The last Republican to run against Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.) called on him to step down "as quickly as possible" following his Wednesday cancer diagnosis.

Dr. Kelli Ward is running against Sen. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) in the 2018 Republican primary and made her comments about McCain on an Indiana talk radio show Thursday, CNN reports. A surgeon and former state senator, Ward argued that advancing the federal government's business and President Donald Trump's agenda gave McCain reason to step aside.

"I hope that Senator McCain is going to look long and hard at this, that his family and his advisers are going to look at this, and they're going to advise him to step away as quickly as possible, so that the business of the country and the business of Arizona being represented at the federal level can move forward," she said.
"Because you probably realize that with John McCain out of commission we don't have 51 votes on the Republican side," she said, despite the fact that Republicans do, in fact, have 51 votes without McCain. "That can't stand."



  1. RINO. He should just go away.

  2. McCain should kill himself to avoid all the pain coming soon!

  3. But the doctors just gave him permission to take away the health care from millions of people (while WE continue to pay for his...)

  4. 8:08 I don't like John McCain's politics, but what you just said is ignorant.

  5. He should cease and desist immediately with all of his criminal activities.
    Get out of the way Mr. McCain.

  6. If he resigned would he have to go off the Congressional medical plan and get on Obamacare? If so I'm sure he knows resigning would be equivalent to suicide.


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