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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Alabama man kills massive 820 pound wild hog in front yard

An Alabama man has killed a gigantic 820 pound hog in his front yard.

Wade Seago shot the hog last week when it came within 15 feet of his front porch in the rural town of Samson in the state's far south.

Seago and his daughter spotted the massive hog in their yard after the family's pet Schnauzer Cruiser started barking.

'I jumped up to see what was going on... I couldn't believe what I was seeing,' he told AL.com.



  1. Time to fire up the split Barbeque !! Yumm yumm !! Feed the community ! Lol

  2. That's going to be one tough piece of ham!

  3. They're going to need a bigger grill!

  4. I could never shoot an animal like that. He was awesome. I'd probably get a neighbor to shoot him though


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