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Thursday, July 20, 2017

After Stalling for Months, Wasserman Schultz to Cooperate With Investigators on IT Probe

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.) is expected to finally allow U.S. Capitol Police to access her laptop to investigate a cyber security case connected to several House Democrats' IT contractors.

After months of apparent stonewalling, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee is going to cooperate with investigators looking into a case involving allegations of computer theft, over-billing, and email hacking, Fox News reported Wednesday.

Capitol Police is investigating whether at least five IT contractors who worked for dozens of House Democrats, including Wasserman Schultz, took hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of computer equipment and potentially hacked into the lawmakers' email accounts.

Wasserman Schultz is not suspected of wrongdoing, but for months she stopped law enforcement from accessing her laptop as part of the probe. It is unclear why the Florida congresswoman battled with law enforcement over the computer until this week, when her counsel began negotiating with Capitol Police regarding the probe.



  1. you mean she finally got rid of the info on the computer

  2. Yeah, it takes time to wipe the stuff; right Hillary? My guess is she has a lot to hide.

  3. She has pulled a Hillary move.

  4. she must have borrowed Killary's "cloth"

  5. Wow, Next week arguments begin for where the federal government is suing Wasserman's voting district for rampant fraud in the voter rolls.

    Wonder if there's any connection to the voter fraud and Wasserman?

    Naw......can't be.

  6. Deb's 15 minutes are just about over!


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