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Thursday, July 06, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Homeless Shelter

Hi Joe,

I am hoping you can help me! I am trying to sell tickets for an event to help The Christian Shelter. I did a similar event in February and sold out quickly but people seem to be busy during the summer. I am a local and decided this was my year to do more. I started doing fundraisers for the Christian Shelter since they seemed to have the biggest need. My main reason for starting was to help the homeless children since they are the helpless ones. The event is @ The Deli at Pecan Square and 50% of the ticket sales goes to the shelter. It is a dinner buffet that includes desserts and drinks. In addition, people can buy chances for giveaways and all of that money goes to the shelter. Multiple business have donated items for the giveaways. Tickets can be purchased from The Deli at Pecan Square or from me. The shelter really needs financial support and needed items. People that cannot attend could still make a donation (monetary or needed items). Do you think you could do a blog or do you have any connections to get the word out to sell tickets and help the shelter?

The Christian Shelter, incorporated in 1979, is a crisis shelter and has helped numerous homeless individuals over the years. In 2016 the Christian Shelter housed, fed, and ministered a total of 949 homeless individuals(291 men, 332 women, and 326 children). It should be noted that more than 30% of the homeless guests are children and that percentage has increased dramatically in the past three years. Sadly, over 1500 guests were turned away in 2016 due to lack of bed space. Shelter services include safe housing, nutritious meals, spiritual guidance, money management classes, and parenting support groups. In addition, guests are assisted with needs (housing, finances, jobs, mental health, and medical issues) in order to transition out of the shelter. 

Thanks for your consideration,

Christa Sensi
Love for the Homeless (Facebook)


  1. I'm sure that they meant 91% isopropyl alcohol, not 91 proof ethanol.

  2. It would be better to round up the homeless and get them the mental help or drug treatment they need.

  3. Not all homeless people are in need of treatment. Many are just financially destitute without enough income to support a dwelling.

  4. 11:32, That is a very ignorant statement. As someone who volunteers through my church to help feed the homeless and house them during the coldest days in winter, I can tell you a lot of them are not drug users, and a lot of them have jobs that don't pay enough money to allow them to afford an apartment. They come from all walks of life and all age groups. These are truly tough times for most of us. And yes there are also bums and drug users among them, but the majority are just homeless with family's.

  5. Anonymous said...
    It would be better to round up the homeless and get them the mental help or drug treatment they need.

    July 6, 2017 at 11:32 AM

    It would be better to round them up and send them back to where they came from. If you keep feeding them, they will stay.

  6. I think this girl has a mental illness. She is a friend of Jake Day's and she is trying to get popularity the way he does, pretending they are doing something special.

    What about Ron Pagano's group aren't they doing something for the homeless?

    What about the churchs?

    Why don't they all work together to get these people back on their feet and make their families take care of them.

  7. How many homeless people out there are actually Salisbury residents and not "come heres?"

  8. many are not druggies, mentally ill or financially ignorant, unlike those who post here. If they wanted to learn of the billions of stories through each person on earth, they should refrain from their stupidity and start learning something important...i can see more ignorance here than in the shelter...i've dealt with geniuses, lawyers, professors, homeless by choice, (yes choice), linguist, adventurers and the genius eccentrics...the saddest part is not, in particular, the homelessness, but the obvious poor minds with whom the homeless must deal....they need shelter not more ignorant people who exposed their fool's mind here....and for those who have problems, this could be the first step to a new life....i know personally, and have for years....

  9. At least she's making a difference.Yall should be ashamed of yourself.Being a better person is what this world needs.Christa and everyone else that reaches out is doing God's grace and mercy.


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