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Thursday, July 13, 2017

13 Years Later, Effects Of Maryland’s ‘Flush Tax’ Being Seen

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Remember the flush tax? That’s the 2004 Maryland law that raised money to improve sewage treatment plants.

Alex DeMetrick reports, 13 years later, that law has reached something of a milestone.

As the 21st century bloomed, so did oxygen-destroying algae. Fed by nitrogen and phosphorous, bloomed choked off light and left dead zones in the Chesapeake Bay.

Former Governor Robert Ehrlich was honored at Anne Arundel County’s Cox Creek Water Reclamation Facility, which has just finished a $140 million upgrade, an improvement that began on the Pride of Baltimore in 2004 when Ehrlich signed the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act, also known as the flush tax.



  1. Meanwhile daburys sewer is overflowing after multi millions of dabury tax payer {Republicans} $$$$$$$ bc we ALL Know the dems are on Welfare.

  2. The issue with the bay is that it's being polluted from the big city's.

  3. hopefully the marine road boondoggle (if/when complete) only adds to the continued improvement of the Bay!

  4. Salisbury's WWTP woes fall on the people who authorized the failed design to be put in place. We all know who they are.

  5. But we can still sling piles of chicken poo full of,nitrogen all over the place


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