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Saturday, June 03, 2017

Youngest, Oldest Physicians Diverge on Hippocratic Oath

Responses to a Medscape poll on physician beliefs about the Hippocratic Oath show that thoughts about the power of the oath and even whether physicians have taken it differ strikingly between the youngest and oldest physician groups.

According to the poll, to which readers began responding November 22, of those under age 34, 39% said it was very meaningful, compared with 70% of those 65 and older. Conversely, of those in the under-34 group (which had 267 respondents), 18% said it was not at all meaningful vs 10% of those in the oldest age group (836 respondents).

Total responses to the poll numbered 2674 physicians plus 134 medical students. Readers' comments numbered well over 200, and though commenters didn't give their ages, their responses helped describe the debate.

A commenter who listed his specialty as pain management wrote, "The Hippocratic Oath is quite relevant today as it gives our newly trained colleagues an idea of the principles our once noble profession espoused, when we served patients for their good, not bureaucrats for theirs."


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