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Sunday, June 04, 2017

Young Vacationers Don't Have A Clue About Memorial Day


  1. Most liberals like these two bims also think the military is overpaid and shouldn't get retirement after 20 years of service!

  2. You should have to take a civics class to vote. The dumbing down of America is disgraceful. No more common core!

  3. ...."SOME" young people. Those young people with patriot parents, or parents who served, or parents who died while serving, are well aware. All young people do not fit the same mold.

  4. But snowflakes love ISLAM.

  5. Bring back the D R A F T.

  6. The dumbing down of America can be laid right at the feet of the Democrats and the teachers. It's very sad.

    1. Dumbing tgem down to bribg ib ISLAM ...FACT

  7. Now come on, these two are way more concerned that they are displaying the proper amount of cleavage and their posteriors afford just enough cheek. These youngsters are way more interested in social media and are so totally detached because they are not affected by war, military, veterans, civics, or government. It is pretty much fact this generation is so under-informed they have no idea who is in government.

  8. 8:27 so Trump can dodge it again

    1. yea and Obama chilled out by smoking dope and doing lines of coke.

  9. But they can tell you all about birth control!

  10. Scary part is they vote.

  11. 917am - nice one. Wait, that's the ONLY one played over and over and over again. Get some new material!

  12. They know exactly what Memorial Day is now.

    It simply is not what it used to be.

    The regular people no longer care about the soldiers.
    They have had enough of war and don't believe in it any longer.

    Memorial Day is a Monday off, backyard BBQ, and some beach trips.
    Get over it folks.
    That is what it is now.

  13. They are no longer permitted to learn about Memorial Day because the sacrifices made by our soldiers my upset and offend someone. However, learning about homosexuality and transgender is permitted because, according to the school system, those people have "rights". Funny, those rights were earned by the very people that cannot be discussed because people may be "offended" or "disturbed".

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bring back the D R A F T.

    May 31, 2017 at 8:27 AM

    Whatever for? They muster out volunteers to cut costs, why would they force someone into service when they are kicking out people who want to be there?

  15. Good example of the "come-heres".


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